Elite 3 – First Encounters

Elite 3 - First Encounters

Cheat Codes:
1: Go to sol (system)
2: Sell all equipment except for autopilot nav computer and 
   atmospheric shielding.
3: Buy enough fuel for a trip to Bernards star (near Sol)
4: Fill up remaining cargo space with luxury goods
5: Hyperspace to Bernards star
6: Go to a station (I used miller depot)
7: Sell all luxury goods 
8: Buy enough fuel for a trip back to Sol.
9: Fill up remaining space on Robots or Computers
10: Hyperspace to Sol
11: Sell Robots or Computers for huge profit. (look on bulletin board
    for special buyers)
12: Repeat until very rich.

To give you an idea of how well this works , in 
two hours of playing I got from a viper defence 
craft MII to a Griffin carrier!

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