Elder Scrolls Adventures - Redguard Cheats: ------- Submitted by: BoneK Press F12 to display the console window. Then, type "Item add," using a value from the following list: ITEM - OBJECT NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------ Gold - 2 Stoneskin potion - 3 Health potion - 4 Ring of invisibility - 5 Volas ring - 6 Sabre - 7 Rusty key - 8 Gold key - 9 Silver key - 10 Amulet - 11 Soul gem - 12 Soul sword - 13 Crowbar - 14 Peg rune - 15 Peg rune 2 - 16 Peg rune 3 - 17 Orcs blood - 19 Orcs blood with?? - 20 Spiders milk - 21 Spiders milk with?? - 22 Ectoplasm - 23 Ectoplasm with?? - 24 Hist sap - 25 Hist sap with?? - 26 Dwarven lore book - 27 Dwarven gear - 28 Glass vial - 29 Glass vial filled with elixer - 30 Iron weight - 31 Bucket - 32 Bucket full of water - 33 Gauntlet rune - 34 Elven artifact book - 35 Redguard heroes book - 37 Hammerfell book on flora - 38 Map from makio - 39 Leather pouch of gold - 40 Crendels stolen map - 41 Silver boat - 42 Shovel - 43 Aloe - 44 Torch - 45 Monocle eyepiece - 46 Flag - 47 Silver locket - 48 League insignia parchment - 49 Jotos jail map - 50 Flask of lillandril - 51 Hundings tailsman - 52 Izsaras journal - 53 Feather - 54 Kithrals journal The dead monk - 55 Folks firmament book - 56 Izaras journal locked - 57 Star stone - 58 Key to warehouse - 59 Key izaras house - 60 Spell - 61 Glass bottle empty - 64 Glass bottle with water - 65 Glass bottle mixed with water and aloe - 66 Strength potion - 67 Bandage - 68 Bandage with blood - 69 Sabre - 70 Sabre - 71 Sabre - 72 Sabre - 73 Bone key - 74