Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: David K
Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the directory:
"UsersusernameAppDataRoamingKalypso MediaDungeons". Add the
line Development.Enabled = true to the file, then save it. Begin
game play, type con! then press [F1], to display the console window.
Enter one of the following codes.
Effect Code
Toggle full map - ISee([0 or 1])
Toggle frame rate display - ShowFPS([number])
Alternately, Use a text editor to edit the "config.cfg" file in the
"UsersAppDataRoamingKalypso MediaDungeons" directory.
Add the line Misc.Specialversion = CHEATGUI to the file, then save it.
Begin game play, then press [F12] for various cheats.
Cheat mode (alternate):
Use a text editor to edit the "init.py" file in the "data" directory
in the game folder.
Add the following lines at the bottom of the file:
def CG(gold = 1000000):
Send(CheatMessage("c_SetGold("+str(gold)+")", Vector3.ZERO, 0))
def CSE(se = 1000000):
Send(CheatMessage("c_SetSoulEnergy("+str(se)+")", Vector3.ZERO, 0))
def CP(p = 1000000):
Send(CheatMessage("c_SetPrestige("+str(p)+")", Vector3.ZERO, 0))
def CSP(sp = 300):
Send(CheatMessage("c_SetSkillPoints("+str(sp)+")", Vector3.ZERO, 0))
def CAP(ap = 1000):
Send(CheatMessage("c_SetAttributePoints("+str(ap)+")", Vector3.ZERO, 0))
Doing this will add 1 million gold, 1 million Soul Energy, 1 million prestige
(until you place a prestige gimmick), 300 skill points, and 1,000 attribute
Note: This only works on the unpatched version of the game. Once the game
is patched, this python script is replaced with Lua scripts.