Duke Nukem - Manhatten Project Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by:Haspa Update by: Gareth Homewood In game press ~ (tilde key) to bring down the console window then use the following codes: Code Result ------------------------------------ toggle g_p_god - God mode toggle r_stats - Game stats toggle g_debug - Debug mode toggle g_map_info - Map info give all - Gives all items give ammo - Gives ammo give jetpack - Gives jetpack give forcefield - Gives forcefield give keys - Gives all keycards give nuke - Gives 10 nukes give life - Gives life give secret - Mark Secret as found kill - Suicide pause - Matrix-Style pause camera camera - Set camera to normal camera player - Set camera to player toggle r_timings - View frame rate Alternate mode: --------------- Press ~ during game play to display the console window. Enter exec cheats.cfg and press Enter to enable cheat mode. Then, press one of the following keys during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. G - All weapons and items H - All weapons J - Jet pack F - Force field L - Extra life K - Suicide I - God mode P - Matrix-style pause M - Toggle map name [-] - Small HUD [=] - Normal HUD Cheats: ------- Submitted by: Ankush Mahajan I found this after searching a lot so ENJOY!! Level Jump First, open the console (press '~') Then type in the following code: map eXXpYY_aZZ This will teleport you to Episode XX, Part YY, Area ZZ (for example: map e01p02_a03). Finally, close the console (press '~' again). You can use the M key to get to know the map names, then jump to them at will. Mark a kill: ------------ Submitted by: Colenso Castelino In the console type 'give kill ??' '??'-no.of kills you want to mark eg:give kill 20 leave 1 spaces between give,kill and the no. Type any no. you want. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: AKASH BHOJWANI Type '~'tilde key to activate cheat console then write give all keys - this will help you in compeleting the levels easily in this case you will not need to find any keys in the game just go through the doors Super kill: ----------- Successfully complete the game on all difficulty settings to receive the "Thunder gun", which can kill everything in sight. When entering a loading screen or room, quickly tap [Fire]. The gun will fire in all directions. You will get a large health boost and all enemies will be killed. Wozma: ------ Go to Episode 8 Part 3. At Mech-Nukem's left arm (the incomplete one), press [Up] near the path in front of it. You will enter a secret area containing Wozma the secret boss. During this time you will have unlimited ammunition. DukeNukem -ManhattanProject (DEMO) -LevelSelect-Cheat: ------------------------------------------------------ Submitted by: DR-PradeeP Email : PradeePstar111@gmail.com In game Press [~] (tilde key) to bring down the console Then Type the following; to select level map e01_intro map e01_sky map e01_stats map e01p01_a01 map e01p01_a01_r01 map e01p01_a02 map e01p01_a02_r01 map e01p02_a01 map e01p02_a01_r01 map e01p02_a02 map e01p03_a01 map e01p03_a01_r01 map e01p03_a02 Note:This Cheat also come in Full Version Game. But on Full Version, More Levels are there. Bonus weapon: ------------- As stated in the manual, you get rewarded for scoring a perfect run. After finding all nukes scattered throughout the levels (240 total) while playing on HARD setting, you get weapon #8: the X3000.