Dirt Track Racing - SprintCars $1,000,000 cheat: ----------------- Submitted by: Matthew Schwabe matthewschwabe@hotmail.com Create a new career.Enter your name as Megasaxon. click continue. Megasaxon should then scrolll the screen.You can the put in your name and click continue. When the next screen come up you will have $1,000,000 Hints: ------ Submitted by: rickHH Keep it clean out there. Overly aggressive drivers will drop lots of valuable cash in the repair shop, or worse, hit someone with enough force to break their own car. Any finish is better than a DNF. Be particularly careful when passing backmarkers. Slower Sprint Cars drivers are at least as knuckleheaded and erratic as they are in real life. If you've assembled a good car and are doing well in the points parade, go with a short sponsorship arrangement. This way, you won't be tied to one deal when a more lucrative one comes along. A good setup and vehicular upgrades will always help. But neither is effective if you don't keep your car repaired. And remember, only 10 percent of the damage in any one area can be repaired once an event is underway. There's simply no reason to spend your hard-earned money on brake upgrades if you don't use them. And in Sprint Cars, you rarely will. If you've substantially upgraded your current car and continue to put in good performances, don't be in a hurry to sell it in favor of an expensive high-end machine. Remember, that fancy new car will arrive in stock condition, usually slower and less capable than the fully modified hot rod you currently drive. Bridge climbing: ---------------- While at Williams Grove Speedway, go into the infield and on the bridge from the grand stands to the infield. You can drive up it and stay on.