Desperados - Wanted Dead or Alive Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: jembut E-mail: gaber@plasa.com Update by: K K Hassan Cheat mode: ----------- Press Left [Shift] + [F11] then type the Codes: Code Result -------------------------------------------------------------- pejuh - all point. timeless - Stop Time. fidel castro - View Dialogs. medic - View Hints. powerman - New Weapon. schneider - End Current Level. clint - Win Current Level. jackal - Ammo. hollow man - Invisibility. show me all - Show All Objects. zeus - thunderbolts struck enemies. epitaph - Toggle victory condition display. supersonic - Toggle sound zone display. whats my destiny - Toggle short briefings. behind the enemy horse - Able to sneak behind enemies. god - Ddon't die. HeXcheat: --------- Go into DesperadosGameDataSavegame folder and use a hex editor to open Profiles file. Number on hex offset 000014 represents current level decreased by 1. Example: value 0F hex = 15 dec, which means that you're on level 16. The maximum value this byte may be set to is hex 18 (for Level 25). Hint: ----- Submitted by: Me Zaza In the after level when you rescue Doctor McCoy there is an easteregg. When Joe tells you to use the scarecrow and put it somewhere, instead of putting in front of the 2 cowboys, you put it on the same spot you sunk the boat with the precision bullets. After you place the scarecrow Doc points it's hand to the sunken boat and rises it from the water. Then, John Cooper will say: "May the force be with you, young McCoy!" Using Quick time action to finish the Missions: ----------------------------------------------- Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana E-mail:shankar_annauniv@yahoo.com Many of my friends have finished up to the 6 mission without using the quick time action. But I have emerged victorious in following the quick time action and have completed up to the 22 missions in the game. However, the game consists of 25 missions I have three more to deal with. Your entire question is how to perform a quick action. Just click on the character say (John Cooper) now the character gets highlighted showing his weapon and stats. Now click the timer (large) below the screen your cursor seems to change now again click on the action say (Knock out punch) and click on an enemy cowboy to record the action. Before execution of the quick action, Use some other character say(Kate)to entice the enemy cowboy when he comes near her select John Cooper & Double-Click on the timer(small) for your character to perform the knock out punch action. This is very easier and will be more helpful to you. If more doubts persists, Mail me. When InTroble: -------------- Submitted by: Gail :) Everytime your Player(s) are in a safe place. Just look at their rutine you will no what the enemy will do next. And youl just have to figure out how or when to attack the enemy. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Chris Ryan There's an effective way to kill your enemy, if he is alone. It may even work if there are two enemies, if one of them give up on you and leave all business to other. Now this is what you need to do: mark John Cooper and learn enemy and his movements. Then run into his visible area. when he notices you take the knife and stab him when he gets close enough. But watch out; if he punches you before you stab him you will lose the level. Frog: ----- On Doc's training level, get to the part where you have to "double up", which means using the coat as a decoy. Place it on the small dock where you shot the boat from and watch. You will see the screen scroll across to where you shot the boat. Suddenly the boat will rise and hover, and a frog will jump off. At a later point, John Cooper will walk up to you and say "May the force be with you". Hint: ----- Submitted by: Mccoy At the 25 mission,where you and the Devil are 1 on 1,you must hurt him 1000+ damage for the stairs to lift down.after that you must take the knife from the chair, and stab the Devil himself with the knife dealing 666 damage.After that... ADIOS AMIGO, Game over:D i did it first time with code Zeus,i could hit him only 1 time and only 1000 dmg.next time i did it without cheats.Good luck.. Easy kills: ----------- Use the following trick to kill a lone enemy. It may also work if there are two enemies, if one of them gives up on you and leaves his partner to fight. Mark John Cooper and learn the enemy and his movements. Run into his visible area. When he notices you, take the knife and stab him when he gets close enough. Be careful; if he punches you before you stab him you will lose. Defeating the Devil: -------------------- During mission 25 when fighting the Devil, you must do over 1,000 damage to him for the stairs to drop down. Then, take the knife from the chair and stab the Devil with it for 666 damage. Star Wars Reference: -------------------- In the mission where you are testing Dr McCoy's abilities, try and place the scarecrow at the sunk boat, then place it at the edge of the dock. McCoy will then place the scarecrow then walk to the end of the dock and raise his hand and the boat rises out of the water and is deposited on the bank. Cooper then walks over and says "May the force be with you, young McCoy" (referencing Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back).