Demon Hunter: Chronicles From Beyond Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Easy "Flask" achievement: ------------------------- Search the indicated locations to find all seven flasks and get the "Flask" achievement: 1.A flask is in the cellar, under the big shears. 2.A flask is on the banister in the room where you have to repair the bridge. 3.A flask is on the skeleton in the engine room. 4.A flask is above the shark aquarium. 5.A flask is on the sunken pirate ship at the bottom of the sea. 6.While in front of the Poseidon/Neptune statue, look to its right to find a flask between two rocks. 7.A flask is at the feet of the left statue in the Temple scene. Easy "Genius" achievement: -------------------------- Use the following solution to get the "Genius" achievement: 9 2 7 4 6 8 5 10 3 Achievements: ------------- Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the game hub that corresponds to [Demon Hunter: Chronicles From Beyond]. Select the "View Stats" drop down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements. Achievement How to unlock ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 out of 3 - Finish 3 Hidden Object puzzles without a Hint or missclick. Alchemist - Conjure gold out of stone in 70 seconds. Brainiac - Complete a mini game puzzle in less than a minute. Brooch - Broochs collection complete. Clicker - Use the Hint 40 times. Clicktastic - Complete a Hidden Object puzzle without a misclick. Coin - Coin collection complete. Demon Hunter - Defeat the demon. Eagle eye - Complete a Hidden Object puzzle in less then a minute. Exorcist - For enabling thunder to reach the portal room. Extra Thorough - Pick up 50 items. Flask - Flask collection complete. Genius - Finish the magic Square mini game in 40 seconds. Independent - Complete a Hidden Object puzzle without a Hint. Lab Rat - Complete the Labyrinth mini game without a mistake. Leaf - Leaf collection complete. Listener - For completing the Tutorial. Mastermind - Finish all the mini games without skipping them. No shortcuts - Complete 5 puzzles without skipping them. Speedy - Pick up 3 items in 10 seconds. The Collector - Gather all of the collectible items. The Diver - For reaching the sea bottom. The Gadgeteer - Finish the Lighthouse mini game on the first try. Thorough - Pick up 30 items. Easy "Master Electrician" achievement: -------------------------------------- When the puzzle beings, one fuse will already be lit. Select every fuse around the lit one once, in any order.