Delta Ops - Army Special Forces Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Zaheer A. Dhada While the game play press "~" button to take consol window. Code Result ------------------ god 1 - Infinite Health noclip 1 - No clipping Other cheats/console commands: ------------------------------ To open the console in the game, press the (~) key. Code Effect ------------------------------------------- camfov 90 - default camera FOV (you can use any value). gunfov 60 - default gun FOV (you can use any value). aidisable 1 - disable AI. aigodmode 1 - enable God mode for AI. aihollowman 1 - enable invisibility. frametime 0 - normal game speed (you can use any value). aitrace 1 - show info about the AI in console. showstatsex 1 - shows extra rendering statistics. showmemory 1 - shows memory info on screen. showmodelinfo 1 - shows model info. showposition 1 - shows player camera position. showhealth 1 - shows player health on screen. showstats 1 - shows rendering statistics. frametime 0.01 - slow motion. frametime 1 - ultra fast game speed. frametime 0.001 - ultra slow motion.