Deep Sea Tycoon - Reflexive Games Change the amount of unlocked item: ----------------------------------- Submitted by: Pratik Saha This cheat is based on editing a game file creat a backup copy of that before processing Open the file"research_type.inf" in game folder and search for"[BASIC_COST] ****" again and again(" * "these are the value) Change the Value e.g.([BASIC_COST] 2000 change in [BASIC_COST] 0001) Change building's attribute: ---------------------------- This cheat is based on editing a game file creat a backup copy of that before processing Open the file "buildings.inf" in game folder and you will find some building's attribut change them change cost:- At the building's cost line change the value(like "[COST] 100.000000" into "[COST] 001.000000"] in this kind you can chage sevice life, time, cost demolish after, cost demolish before etc. You Also can Change building's name Change Characters attribute: ---------------------------- This cheat is based on editing a game file creat a backup copy of that before processing Open the file "characters.inf" in game folder and you will find some character's attribut change them You Also can Change Character's name Change Treasure cost: --------------------- This cheat is based on editing a game file creat a backup copy of that before processing Open the file "characters.inf" in game folder and you will find some thing like this [TREASURE] tr1 Worthless_Stock_Certificates 0.5 [TREASURE] tr2 a_Broken_Record 0.5 [TREASURE] tr3 a_Toothbrush 0.5 Chang it into [TREASURE] tr1 Worthless_Stock_Certificates 100 [TREASURE] tr2 a_Broken_Record 100 [TREASURE] tr3 a_Toothbrush 100 You Also can Change Treasure's name