Deep Sea Tycoon

Deep Sea Tycoon

Easy money:
Buy the Atlantian Monument by building a school. Build it then construct a 
warehouse. Finally, build the Atlantian Treasury and fast forward the game 
so you get 80 Atlantis Crystals. 
Sell them to the highest bidder to get about 5,000 gold.

Extra money:
Submitted by: conner54

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file 
before proceeding. 
Start any single mission and immediately save the game. Quit the game. 
Use a text editor to edit the "*.save" file that corresponds to that game session in 
the "save_game'" folder in the game directory. Find the line "[COLONY_GENERAL_DATA]". 
There should be some digits after that. The format of the numbers should resemble: 

722546.000000 43900.000000 
Change the second number to any value desired. It is the amount of money given to 
you for the mission. For example, change "43900.000000" to "4390000.00000".

Change costs:
Use the following trick to change the cost of items. Note: This procedure involves 
editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text 
editor to edit the "research_type.inf" file in the game directory. Find all lines 
with "[BASIC_COST]" and lower the value of the number that follows it. 
Use the following trick to change the cost of buildings. Note: This procedure involves 
editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text 
editor to edit the "buildings.inf" file in the game directory. Find all lines with 
"[COST]" and lower the value of the number that follows it. 
Use the following trick to change the value of treasure. Note: This procedure involves 
editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text 
editor to edit the "characters.inf" file in the game directory. Find all lines with 
"[TREASURE]" and increase the value of the number that follows it. 

Change character attributes:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file 
before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "characters.inf" file in the game 
directory. You can change various character attributes as listed in the file.

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