Death to Spies - Moment of Truth Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM To add these codes, enable the console by adding -console to your shortcut before starting the game... for example: C:Program FilesNobilisDeath to SpiesDeath to Spies.exe" -console Thereafter, press the ` key to bring up the console. Type in the following for the desired result (quotes included, when applicable). Code Result --------------------------- Cheat "silence" - Enables silent movement Cheat "camouflage" - Appear disguised from the enemy Cheat "invisible" - Guards can't see you Cheat "disable ai" - Disables AI setv cl_superman 1 - God Mode setv c_noammo 1 - Infinite ammo OpenLevels - Access all levels PL_SavePos - Save your game PL_RestorePos - Load your game L_CreateItem - Creates an item (list below) Item names: ----------- Use one of the following entries with the "L_CreateItem" code. Example: L_CreateItem weapon.walter Item Code --------------------------------------------- weapon.Walter - Walter weapon.Mp40 - MP40 weapon.K98 - K98 weapon.Luger - Luger weapon.Gewehr - Gewehr weapon.K98Sniper - K98 Sniper Rifle weapon.DeLisle - DeLisle weapon.StenSilencer - Sten Silencer weapon.MosinSniper - Mosin Sniper weapon.MosinSilencer - Mosin Silencer weapon.MosinCamo - Mosin Camo weapon.Svt - SVT weapon.Mosin - Mosin weapon.Ppsh - PPSH weapon.TT - TT weapon.SvtSniper - Svt. Sniper weapon.Pps - PPS weapon.NaganSilencer - Nagan Silencer weapon.Nagan - Nagan weapon.Sten - Sten weapon.EnfieldSniper - Enfield Sniper Rifle weapon.Enfield - Enfield weapon.Colt - Colt weapon.Thompson - Thompson weapon.Garand - Garand weapon.M1Carbine - M1 Carbine weapon.M1903 - M1903 weapon.M1903Sniper - M1903 Sniper Rifle weapon.GermanStick - Stick Grenade weapon.Rgd33 - RGD33 Grenade weapon.F1 - F1 Grenade weapon.Smoke - Smoke Grenade weapon.Dynamite - Dynamite weapon.Pmk40 - PMK40 weapon.Pmd6 - PMD6 weapon.Knife - Knife weapon.FiberWire - Fiber Wire weapon.Chloroform - Chloroform Equipment.Binocular - Binoculars Equipment.Foto - Foto Equipment.Wirecut - Wirecutters Equipment.Lockpick - Lockpicks Equipment.Custom - Custom Equipment.Medikit - Medikit Equipment.Wear:Player - Standard Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanSoldier - Nazi Officer Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanOfficer - Nazi Officer Gear II Equipment.Wear:Summer - Summer Gear Equipment.Wear:Soviet - Soviet Gear Equipment.Wear:RasplataDed - Rasplata Gear Equipment.Wear:Scientist - Scientist Gear Equipment.Wear:AmericanOfficer - American Officer Gear Equipment.Wear:Jacket - Jacket Equipment.Wear:Suitman - Suit Equipment.Wear:GermanYellow - German Yellow Outfit Equipment.Wear:EmbassyMan - Embassy Outfit Equipment.Wear:EmbassyManSoldier - Embassy Soldier Outfit Equipment.Wear:SovietSoldier - Soviet Soldier Gear Equipment.Wear:SovietOfficer - Soviet Officer Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterSoldier - Nazi Winter Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterSoldier2 - Nazi Winter Gear II Equipment.Wear:GermanWinterOfficer - Nazi Officer Winter Gear Equipment.Wear:PosilkaElder - Posilka Elder Gear Equipment.Wear:Winter - Winter Gear Equipment.Wear:EmbassyAgent_1 - Embassy Agent Gear Equipment.Wear:EmbassyAgent_2 - Embassy Agent Gear II Equipment.Wear:HotelGuard - Hotel Guard Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanGrey - German Grey Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanDoctor - German Doctor Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelManager - Hotel Manager Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelWaiter - Hotel Waiter Gear Equipment.Wear:HotelMan01 - Hotel Patron Gear Equipment.Wear:BritishCook - British Cook Gear Equipment.Wear:BritishSoldier - British Soldier Gear Equipment.Wear:GermanCook - Nazi Cook Gear Equipment.Throw:Papers - Papers Equipment.Throw:OutofOrder - Out of Order Sign Equipment.Throw:Knife - Knife Equipment.Throw:Krujka - Krujka Equipment.Throw:VBottle - Vodka Bottle Equipment.Throw:Krujka2 - Krujka II Equipment.Throw:Grafin - Grafin Equipment.Throw:Korchik - Korchik Equipment.Throw:Lojka1 - Loljka Equipment.Throw:Lojka2 - Loljka II Equipment.Throw:Lojka3 - Loljka III Equipment.Throw:Bakal - Bakal Equipment.Throw:Tarelka - Tarelka Equipment.Throw:Tarelka2 - Tarelka II Equipment.Throw:Tarelka3 - Tarelka III Equipment.Throw:Tarelka4 - Tarelka IV Equipment.Throw:Lojka4 - Lojka IV Equipment.Throw:Vilka - Vilka Equipment.Throw:Tarelka5 - Tarelka V Equipment.Throw:Tarelka6 - Tarelka VI Equipment.Throw:Tarelka7 - Tarelka VII Equipment.Throw:Stakan - Stakan Equipment.Throw:Sovok - Sovok Equipment.Throw:Molotok - Molotov Cocktail Equipment.Throw:GKluch - Gkluch Equipment.Throw:Otvertka - Otvertka