Cube And Star: An Arbitrary Love Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Easy "Brutal Culture" achievement: ---------------------------------- You will be able to raise structures after you find the Totems of Logic, Passion and Joy. After finding them, bump against them and they will turn into buttons in the lower right-hand. To raise a Brutal Pyramid, press the buttons in this order: blue, red, blue, red, yellow, yellow. Note: Occasionally a different type of structure may appear. Easy "Building a Framework" achievement: ---------------------------------------- You will be able to raise structures after you find the Totems of Logic, Passion and Joy. After finding them, bump against them and they will turn into buttons in the lower right-hand. To raise a Pagoda, press the buttons in this order: blue, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, yellow. Easy "The Digital Gom Jabbar" achievement: ------------------------------------------ You will be able to raise structures after you find the Totems of Logic, Passion and Joy. After finding them, bump against them and they will turn into buttons in the lower right-hand. To raise a Windtrap, press the buttons in this order: red, yellow, blue, red, yellow, blue. Note: Occasionally a different type of structure may appear.