Cryptographer's Guild - The First Trials Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Trial 1: 00558 -------------- The key is that one of the terms in the first equation is (m-m) which equals zero. So x = 0. Trial 2: help: -------------- There are four capital letters in the text. Trial 3: 32: ------------ 7 4 6 5 8 are the five numbers. Trial 4: 91: ------------ The numbers are in binary and x = 1 and y = 0. Trial 5: lightmare: ------------------- Each entry is morse code. The 1 is a dot and the 9 is a dash. Trial 6: firefight: ------------------- Caesars encryption was to move each letter a certain number of spaces. In this case, its two spaces back. Trial 7: congratulatons: ------------------------ 26 = A, 25 = B, 24 = C, 23 = D, etc Trial 8: goodjobfromlaxaria: ---------------------------- The key is the authors name: Laxaria. L = A, A = B, X = C, R = D, I = E, J = F, K = G, L = H, etc.