Cryostasis - The Sleep of Reason Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Kosa53 Cheats: ------- Edit "init.cfg" in folder CryostasisDataScripts and find the line "d.consoleh = 0". Replace 0 to 1 (d.consoleh = 1). Use ~ in Menu and write cheat. Code Result ---------------------------------- godmode = 1 - godmode pl.health = x (x - value) - player health unlimited_ammo = 1 - unlimited ammo d.noclip = 1 - noclip mode d.fly = 1 - fly mode giveall - all weapons Note: If use 0 - cheats been disabled. Hex Cheat: ---------- Submitted by: rohitmitra5752@gmail.com Browse to the folder where you installed the game. Open the folder Data/Scripts/ Open the file init.cfg using notepad or some text editor. (It is a really good idea to back up the init.cfg file, so if you mess up you can still get back the original file) Change the line that reads d.consoleh = 0 to d.consoleh = 1. Save the file. Now start the game. Bring up the console using ~ key (I dunno what it is called - I think tilde). _CHEAT_ _EFFECT_ pl.health=100 Set your health to 100 (Actually you can replace 100 with any number you want) d.fly=1 Fly like superman giveall Get all weapons and ammo godmode=1 Turn on God Mode godmode=0 Turn off God Mode d.noclip=1 Turn on No Clipping Mode d.noclip=0 Turn off No Clipping Mode unlimited_ammo=1 Get unlimited ammo For those who don't know what No Clipping Mode is, it is a mode where you can get your character to pass through walls and everything. It is actually used by developers to get the characters to a particular position, so when you are in no clipping, you can effectively pick up your character and place him wherever you want to. Trust me it is better than fly mode, as enemies can't see you. But it should be used with care - you wouldn't want your character stranded in the middle of a floor when you turn off No Clipping.