Cranky Cat Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Steam Achievements: ------------------- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Achievement How to unlock ---------------------------------------------------- A Mile a Minute - Survive one minute in Lightning Mode. A Sphinxian Enigma - Complete 75 puzzles. A State of Bepuzzlement - Complete 50 puzzles. Asthenopia Muscularis - Survive 5 minutes in Lightning Mode. Big Dipper - Get 200 stars in Story Mode. Digital Dexterity - Survive 3 minutes in Hot Potato Mode. Forays into Puzzledom - Complete 15 puzzles. Herculean Exertions - Survive 3 minutes in Lightning Mode. Prize Puzzler - Complete all 120 puzzles. Profoundly Perplexing - Complete 100 puzzles. Rather Puzzling - Complete 30 puzzles. Starry Eyed - Get 25 stars in Story Mode. Stellar - Get 50 stars in Story Mode. The Midnight Sky - Get 300 stars in Story Mode. Twinkle, Twinkle - Get 100 stars in Story Mode. Uncommon Agility - Survive 4 minutes in Hot Potato Mode.