Commandos 3 - Destination Berlin Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: SEABOY Type "SOYINCAPAZ" as a name to enable cheat mode. Then, press one of the following keys during game play. Cheat mode can also be activated during a mission by typing "SOYINCAPAZ" after selecting a commando. Code Result ----------------------------------------- [Ctrl] + I - God Mode. [Ctrl] + V - Invisibility. [Shift] + X - Place Commandos Under Pointer. [Ctrl] + [-] - Show Frame Rate. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + N - Skip Mission. [Ctrl] + [Shift] + X - Destroy All Opponents. Levelcodes: ----------- Submitted By: Ugan Rajoo E Mail: uganr@webmail.co.za Mission Codes ------------------ 1. Mission - NS2B7 2. Mission - GMD1T 3. Mission - NMD15 4. Mission - YDNCQ Hints: ------ Submitted by: mahesh Eliminate The snipper: ---------------------- Try to get behind him and shoot the snipper. Clear the area before getting to the back of him. cover o'donell: --------------- * Try to kill enemy soldiers by a group, by throwing granide or moltav. (pick this items from the boxes lying around) * Position sniper at Top of the post and take away the enemy soldiers. * Kill the soldiers who are coming near the building. Getting into the plane: ----------------------- Use snipper to finish the soldiers in the way. Use sapper and position him behind the cottage(next to the bridge) Throw granides and maltov to kill soldiers by group who stands at the end of the cottage. by doing this this you can kill almost all the soldiers. Remaining you can kill with snipper. Thats all for now, get to you back when i finish next stage. Allied Infantry with unlimited ammunition Submachine gun and Assault rifle: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: Kashif In "Normandy Beach" in Campaign Normandy and in Central Europe while "ambushing the convoy" containing works of art. Select one your men and pick up a Submachine gun or Assault Rifle from a dead soldier and drop it from your inventory infront of your ally let him pick that weapon and you will see he has the particular weapon which he picked up. Furthermore it will help you in completing your mission faster because the weapon is with unlimited ammo. Don't give weapon directly to ally it will not get in his inventory. Hints: ------ Submitted by -Rojan Sapkota rojansapkota@hotmail.com 1)In THE TAKE CONTROL OVER THE TOWN level there is a place where u can have a massacre of the soldiers. Go to the top of the tower where two soldier gaurd the door and one officer Walks.Kill the person on the tower and using Sapper throw a grenade on the vechicle down of it. Most of the soldier come there and start to yell.you can throw another grenade that will kill 15-16 soldier at the same time.They will not see u. In the same level we can see a group of soldiers excercising and Standing in an assembly .Kill the enemy sniper then using sapper tie first the officer using fist and now u can use your fist to tie other soldiers. they wont see u. Hit the soldiers one by one.you can save your poisonus gas and kill them easily using this method . 2)In The kill the traitor level dont go and take the box which contains 2 big explosive used by sapper. this starts the time and u will not be able to complete the mission easily. as soon as u take it time starts and when the time ends odonnel escapes. First kill all the soldiers except in the building where Hitler had raised his arm then go and then take the explosive. when time finishes odonnel comes out and you can kill him now.The explosive are placed near the tank and the small car Hint: ----- Submitted By: Shibly & Tamim E Mail: tamim_7681@yahoo.com From Bangladesh. Protect General O'Donnel Stage: ------------------------------- You can Protect General O'Donnel very easily by doing the following Way. When game starts an allied soldier will come out from the house(near the commandos). Quickly kill that allied soldier by using molotov cocktel before he calls the other allied soldiers to come out. If you successfully do that before he calls the other allied soldiers, they will not come out from the house. So you do not have to protect your general. Your allied soldiers will do that. Clearing out the sewers in Berlin: ---------------------------------- Submitted by: damodar When you find yourself in the Berlin sewers after the cut scene in which you meet the Spy, you can easily overcome each room of the sewer and clear it out by simply using punches, knifing and running into a room, being spotted and then running out, and taking cover behind your fellow commandos, who are of course, waiting on guard move with their guns pulled out, aimed at the door. When the Nazis burst in, your men nail them, and you can clear all the sewers out doing this. With a couple of the Nazis, it's even easier to simply come out behind them, knife them and drag their body back through the door. Sniper vs. Sniper: ------------------ Submitted by: damodar I completed this level first of all by literally taking out everyone a man at a time, and boy was it hard going! Then my brother tried it, and discovered that when you've sniped one nazi from the Russian embassy (be careful, pop out of the wrong window and the elite sniper will kill you!), and cleared out the Nazi riflemen around the fountain by sniping them from the unoccupied yard area (behind the wall, above the little dugouts the Russians soldiers mostly start in), you can crawl down, take their stuff and then as you move down towards the highest tower (it's a church building), the elite nazi sniper should move his position and make a run for it; he tends to respond to your movements to keep you covered so you can't snipe him but he can snipe you. As he runs, you can actually quite safely change direction, bolt the other way and snipe him as he's running - ending this part of the mission early! Whew! Hint: ----- Submitted by: siddharthan for the first task 'KILL THE ENEMY SNIPER'just move forward some 20 steps this would make the enemy sniper go to the next adjacent edge of the building.then you can slowly go to the top of the building where o'donnell will be there ,from that window you can peep out as long as you can ,the enemy sniper will never notice you. Sniper VS Sniper made easier again: ----------------------------------- At the start of the first level we are faced with an elite sniper. I found the easiest way to do this was: spin your map 180 degrees, scroll the map in a south east direction and there'll be a tiny hut which u can not enter, but run beside that, the sniper makes a run for it, then crouches at the corner, then run back into the building where u started besdie, go upstairs and go to the closest window to you on the upstairs plan, peek out of it and the sniper is right in front of you, alls you have to do is spin the map 180 degrees again, then snipe his butt, and any other soldiers in range. Win 1st level of staringlard easily: ------------------------------------ Submitted by: Shahabas If u are trying hard to win the first mission of staringlard (I dont no the name properly), i will tell you the easiest way. first go to the left entrance at the left cornor. from there you must hide the snipers(players) legs and the body except the head and hands should be seen through the entrance. take your sniper rifle and shoot 3-4 enemies coming straight to you. then crawl straight back of the nearest building where you see a tree and a pole. when you are reached there,climb up the pole and wait till 2 men are coming.(if you wait for long time and no one is there you can proceed to the next step) the next step is to go straight and try to kill two enemies near the boxes (it will be easy to kill). after killing go to the boxes and search them. in one box you will get 10 ammos of sniper rifle. the ngo straight right conor where the small blocking grills are there (Remember! you in the full process). Then take your sniper rifle and scope to the right side where the railway path is. Then you kill the enemy and the enemy sniper. Once done you will be proceeded to the next mission. Killing groups of enemies: -------------------------- * Try to kill enemy soldiers in a group by throwing grenades or a Molotov cocktail. They can be obtained from the boxes that are lying around. * Position a sniper at the top of the post and kill enemy soldiers. Kill the soldiers who are coming near the building. Unlimited ammunition: --------------------- Use the following trick in "Storm the Beach" in the Normandy campaign and in the "Ambush The Convoy" mission in the Central Europe campaign. Select one your men and pick up a submachine gun or assault rifle from a dead soldier. Drop it from your inventory in front of an ally. Let him pick up that weapon. Notice he has that particular weapon. This weapon has unlimited ammo. Do not give weapon directly to ally, as it will not enter his inventory.