Commander Keen 2 - The Earth Explodes! Cheat Codes: ------------ Enter one of the following codes: Code Effect --------------------- SHIFT-TAB - End level C-T-SPACE - Free items GOD - God Mode Uncompleted Levels: ------------------- To walk through uncompleted levels, hold tab with the num lock on and walk through the level. You will be able to walk through the level as you would, if it were completed. Items: ------ Press and hold T + A + B for 99 rounds of ammunition and an extra life. More items: ----------- Press and hold C + T + SPACE to get the pogo stick, all key cards, and ray gun charges. Or push CTRL + TAB + SPACE. Invincibility: -------------- Press and hold G + O + D. Activating this code will also let you jump better. Level skip: ----------- Push SHIFT + TAB when in the map level.