Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Extra Skirmish mode credits: ---------------------------- Use a text editor to edit the "skrimish.ini" in your "..profilesprofilename" folder. Change the value of the credits line in the file to whatever number desired. Example: Change the number "10000" to the desired amount of credits. Play as the Scrin: ------------------ To play the secret Scrin campaign, finish both the GDI and Nod campaigns. This will unlock the Scrin campaign of four missions. Nod campaign: ------------- Successfully complete the GDI mission "Washington DC" in Act. Play as NOD in Skirmish mode (demo version): -------------------------------------------- Hold "N" and click your army at the Skirmish mode options menu. You can now choose to play as NOD. To play as GDI again, hold G and click your army. Note: This also can be done with the CPU's choice. GDI attack combinations: ------------------------ Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions. Pitbull Predator Tank APC with a Grenadier Squad inside 3 or more Rifleman Squads 3 or more Missile Squads 2 APCs with Rifleman Squads inside 2 APCs with Missile Squads inside 2 Grenadier Squads 2 Rifleman Squads 2 Missile Squads Note: This works best in Skirmish mode. Get fifteen Predator Tanks and get the Rail Gun upgrade at the Tech Center. Get an Airfield if you do not already have one. When you have about $5,000 highlight all of your Predator Tanks. Call in Ox Transports to carry the tanks to the entry of your enemy's base. NOD attack combinations: ------------------------ Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions. 2 Militant Squads 2 Militant Rocket Squads 4 Raider Buggys 2 Flame Tanks 2 Scorpion Tanks 4 Raider Buggys 2 Attack Bikes SCRIN attack combinations: -------------------------- Use the following attack combinations in Skirmish missions. 4 Buzzers 4 Disintergrators 3 Seekers (combined with Buzzers) 3 Gun Walkers (combined with Buzzers) Tiberium Silo: -------------- Note: This was done with the v1.4 patch. You can increase the amount of Tiberium you can have without the Tiberium Silos. When it asks you to build a Tiberium Silo. Just build something, and when it completes just cancel (preferably something expensive like a Tech Center). The amount of Tiberium you can hold keeps increasing every time you do this. Scrin: Placing buildings in thunder storm: ------------------------------------------ When playing as the Scrin in either multi-player or Skirmish mode, it is usually not possible to place buildings within a thunderstorm produced by the Storm Tower. The trick to get around this is to power down the Storm Tower and place whatever you want next to it (for example, another Storm Tower). This strategy will help to improve your base defense. Hint: Rush tactic: ------------------ This trick is useful for versus online multiplayer with 10,000. Play as Nod or GDI and place a Crane. Then, build a Power Plant from each and place them. Once this is done, build two Refineries and place them. Next, sell one and build another. Then on the other, build queue. Start building a war factory. Place it and start to build another one. Make sure you have placed your second Refinery. Then, build two Harvesters from your War Factory. In the meantime build Refineries and a Comm Center. The moment your Harvesters are done, start building as many Scorpion Tanks as possible. Place other War Factories and Power Plants as well to boost production. It is also helpful to place an anti-infantry base defenses near your MCV to stop the "Engineer rush" tactic. This uses power however and is not necessary. This tactic works best on Redzone Rampage, as the blue Tiberium each player starts with boosts resources. Nod is the fastest, as it has the quickest build speeds. Also instead of Scorpions, build Predators. As soon as possible also place Tech Center and upgrade tanks with either Laser Capacitors or Rail Guns. This will not always work, especially when you face upper level players in the higher ranks. However it is possible to finish a battle in less than ten minutes with this tactic. It works best with 10,000, but can be done with more however it is harder as the opposition will have stronger weapons than you. It works well with 20 as you can use shortcuts and an extra Crane to boost production and speed of rush. Stealth detecting Mammothes: ---------------------------- There is a way to get your mammoth tanks, or any unit for that matter to, at least temporarily detect stealth. First, you must have an airfield, with at least 1 Orca. Next, you need the sensor pod upgrade. Finally, just target the units you want to detect stealth, and drop a pod on em. The pod will detect stealth, and your unit will react. Simple as that. Kane's Tower: Easy completion: ------------------------------ This mission becomes a lot easier when you capture the Scrin base. The tactic to do this is when GDI sends its main attack force to the base consisting of the Mammoths, Predator tanks, Pitbulls, etc. Wipe these out with the Juggernauts or use the super weapons or bombers. When they are destroyed, they leave the Scrin base with no defenses which is perfect for you. Send in the Emissionary and start to deploy and set up your own Nod defenses. Also try capturing the Scrin airfield to the left and build the Scrin Construction yard. Use both Scrin defenses and Nod defenses to repel the GDI attacks. Use this tactic on the hardest setting and the mission becomes very easy. You will get control of the tower and will be able to withstand the attacks. Leaving the Scrin in control means the GDI will wilk into the area and destroy the tower. You are now able to deploy Nod and Scrin units, making assaulting the GDI bases easier. Alternate Ending: ----------------- Entry Location: On the final level. The "Bad" Ending - Use Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb. The "Good" Ending - Don't use Boyle's Liquid Tiberium Bomb. GDI: Sledgehammer squadron: --------------------------- Submitted by: Cheatsbook As you start the game, gain the ability to build both Mammoth Tanks and Juggernant Walkers at a fast pace (about three War Factories) and get a massive array of base defense turrets. Build nine Mammoth Tanks and three Juggernants (three Mammoths and one Juggernant per factory). You can also use the Shock Trooper Drop pods to bolster the anti-infantry capabilities. This squad will be able to easily level any enemy base in about three minutes. It is recommended to destroy the superweapon first as in any battle. NOTE: This is best done in Skirmish mode on the Unfair Advantage map starting from the top. Croatia: -------- This is the mission where you don't have enough power to activate all buildings. First off, power down the Barracks so you have enough power for all ground defenses. Next, build up 10 or so Predators and destroy the War Factories of the northeastern Nod base. This will put down the enemy armor coming from that direction, so sell the Guardian Cannons and use the surplus power to activate the Barracks and the AA Guns. When you go for the reinforcements, put APCs to the roads on the western edge of the map to prevent Militant Rocket Squads from garrisoning the buildings on your way back. When the MCV reaches your base, you have essentially won the mission. Of the remaining Nod bases: the southwestern trains infantry only, so it will be of relatively little threat. The southeastern, on the other hand, attacks with aircraft and the cliff itself is: * impossable to ground units which means Mammoths are out of the question. * heavily defended by SAM Turrets so attacking with Orcas is suicide. Nod will build about a dozen Venoms with laser cannons which will run through Predators fairly quickly, not to mention that the base is also defended by Stealth Tanks. Your best bet is to build a Surveyor, fly it to the northern, undefended part and deploy it with a bunch of AA Guns. Next, lure out the Venoms; when they are dead, raze everything to the ground, starting with the Air Towers. Sarajevo: --------- Build up your base with heavy defenses. Nod attacks intensify over time and the two Mammoths will be overwhelmed by the superior Avatars quickly. For an effective defense, capture every Avatar you come across by killing it and reactivating the husk with an Engineer. I amassed about 30 then counter-attacked, destroying the Temple defenses in one go! If you need more time, kill the Obelisks at the southernmost entrance, sneak in with a Sniper Team to spot for Juggernauts firing from your base. Once the first Ion Field Distruptor is down, call in an Ion Cannon strike on the two War Factories at the south entrance to buy some time. Against infantry, use a similar tactic on the Hands of Nod at the east entrance. Both entrances have their own Air Towers, too. Unlock Scrin Compaign Without Compleet GDI and NOD Compaign: ------------------------------------------------------------ Submitted by: Faraz Akbar Khan (Pakistan - Karachi) * Make a backup of the "ProfileData.ini" file located in "Documents and Settings[USERNAME]" Application DataCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium WarsProfiles[PROFILE NAME]. On Windows Vista this file will most likely be in a different location. Do a search for the file 'ProfileData.ini'. * You may need to 'Show Hidden Files' in Folder Options if you cannot see the Application Data folder. * Overwrite the "ProfileData.ini" file with the one included in this archive. * ALTERNATELY: Open your existing "ProfileData.ini" file with Notepad and change all numbers to '9'. There should be 16 numbers total. For example your file may look like this: PPK = 3139777886553609 change it to: PPK = 9999999999999999 * Load the game. The Scrin campaign should now be playable. Powerfull defence: ------------------ Submitted by: inferno Just build a war factory near the place you want to defensd and thewn build mamoth tanks and have them hold postion in the area of the war factory now they will be repaired every time they are damaged and will go up in rank meaning they will be even more powerfull and when its time to destroy youre opponent send in youre ranked up mamoths to finish them off