Colin McRae Rally 2.0 New Driver Profile: ------------------- Submitted by: Silvia, Remo en Rita Email: sterrenzio@belgacom.net Insert cheats in the "New Driver Profile" window. Name Result --------------------------- ALLTHEBUTTONS - All cars. GREATNEWS - All tracks. NUTTYNETS - Agressive cars. WHEELYBIG - Monster wheels. SHINYBUTTONS - Shiny cars. CURRYFORME - Turbo Boost. TURNONTHEICE - Background music. BOINGBOINGBOING - Bouncer mode WAVEYOURLEFTS - Reverse tracks. MORRISMODE - Escort MK1 car. GOFASTERSTRIPES - Faster cars. GARYWILDASS - Ford Puma car. BOUNCYBOUNCYBOUNCY - Reduced gravity. LETMEWIN - Unlock all options. EATTHIS - Press [Handbrake] to shoot fireball in arcade mode. OOHNICE - Extreme damage, especially when hitting something. Machine Gun: ------------ Submitted by: Viktor Hulth Type your name as KILLTIME. Then how to fire the machine gun press the "H" button. then TA DA a machine gun on the roof. Cheat Mode: ----------- Submitted by: polo polos@yourhouse.co.uk Create new driver profiles, enter any tag, and then these words as name: Code Result ------------------------ allthebuttons - All Cars greatnews - All Tracks minime - Mini Cooper S Car evilevo - Access the Mitsubishi Lancer Alternatives onecarefulowner - All Cars offroad - Lancer Road Car jobinitaly - Mini Cooper jimmyscar - Sierra Cosworth coolestcar - Ford Puma Cat Silhouette: --------------- Enter HELLO RAZU AND FLEA at the cheat options screen.