Codename - Panzers - Phase One Submitted by: conner54 Cheat Codes: ------------ Press [Enter] to display the console window, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Effect Code ------------------------------------------------ God mode - SheepInTheTrees or FreeWestMemphis3 1000 experience points - SpotTheBraincell 1000 prestige-points - MoneySong Instant kill - TheSpanishInquisition or Inferno Unlimited cargo for repair trucks - BicycleRepairMan Invincibility - SelfDefenceAgainstFreshFruit 100 more outside support - MrHilter Successfully complete current level - DirtyHungarianPhrasebook Instant Loss - TheFunniestJokeInTheWorld Cheat mode (Demo version): -------------------------- Press [Enter] to display the console window, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The message "Cheat Enabled" will appear to confirm correct code entry. Code Result -------------------------------------- SELFDEFENCEAGAINSTFRESHFRUITS - God Mode for Units MOTORHEAD - One Hit Kills BICYCLEREPAIRMAN - Free Repair SPOTTHEBRAINCELL - Add 1000 XP to Unit MONEYSONG - Add 1000 Prestige to Unit DIRTYHUNGARIANPHRASEBOOK - Win Mission MRHILTER - Call for Support Using the Katyusha: ------------------- Submitted by: Donnie Stinnett Email: mosby0393@aol.com When ever you use the Zis-6 Katyusha in Panzers Phase 1 or 2, you may notice its not real accurate. I would reccomend using the "attack ground" command and place the bulls eye cursor just behind and above the desired target. More often than not it seems when you do it this way your Katyusha will score more direct hits. It will take some pratice, so don't expect to be good at it at first. German misson( The-T-34): ------------------------- Submitted by: Donnie Stinnett Email: mosby0393@aol.com If you clear out the Soviet forces in the eastern woods, there is an empty rocket launcher, jsut sitting there, you should bring an ammo truck and an extera tank crew to use it. It does massive damage and you can use it to clear the rest of the Soviet Forces, including the infantry attack that happens after the reapair car breaks down. Trust me, you will hate to part with it!