Codename Eagle Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: Randy Press "Alt" + "S" to display the console, then enter one of the following codes: Code Result -------------------------- codenamegod - GOD MODE weaponmaster - ALL WEAPONS armorgod - 200% ARMOR itemgod - Extra Items healthmaximum - Full Health missionmaster - Level Select Skip Level: ----------- After entering the "codenamegod" cheat code, press [F10] to skip to the next level. Hints: ------ Submitted by: nightraider At times, it can be very difficult to figure out mission objectives and how to execute them. A run-forward-and-shoot approach generally works when inspiration (and confounding objectives) fail. Talk to characters (the ones who aren't shooting at you) often they'll help you solve a mission. The aircraft controls take a lot of getting used to. Slow movements work best when starting out.