Cleopatra - Queen Of The Nile Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: RM Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + C during game play, then enter one of the following case-sensitive codes. Repeat to disable the code. Result Code ---------------------------------------------------- +1,000 Deben - Treasure Chest Hailstorm - Hail to the Chief Tomb robbers in the streets - Jail Break Plague of frogs - Amphibious Assault All craft shops fully stocked - Noble Djed Bast creates plague in city - Kitty Litter Better harvest - Bounty Black hippos - Hippo Stomp Dancing black hippos - Side Show Top ranking houses are destroyed - Cat Fight Houses filled with food - Cat Nip Kingdom rating lowered - Mesektet Win scenario - Pharaohs Tomb Raise your kingdom rating - Sun Disk Seth destroys all ships - Fury of Seth Swarms of locusts eat crops - Crop Busters Life-giving river turns to blood - Crimson Tide Land attack by enemy - Mockattack1 Water attack by enemy - Mockattack2 Export amount +50% for a year - Pharaohs Glory Farms on flood plain destroyed - Underworld Increased crafts/ storage yards - Supreme Craftsman Pyramids are built quicker - Ancient Astronauts Seth makes a vow - Typhonian Relief Seth destroys next invaders - Spirit of Typhon Swarms of locusts eat crops - Crop Busters Life-giving river turns to blood - Crimson Tide Mummies appear from monuments - Mummys Revenge Next inundation worse than expected - Mummys Curse Farms on flood plain - Life from Death Display frame rate - framecounter Avoiding insects or animals: ---------------------------- If you have animals or insects bothering you or killing your people, select the "Beautification" option and click under a small statue. Surround the pests with the statues and they will no longer bother you. Note: You do not need an Architect to keep it from collapsing. Building placement: ------------------- Try to place your dwellings away from the commercial district. Although they need to be in close proximity to structures like bazaars, if they are directly next door they will only evolve to a limit. Intersections: -------------- Limit your intersections. "Police officers" and "firefighters" still move about. The fewer intersections that they have to cross, the less chance there is that they will make a wrong turn and leave part of your city unprotected.