Circulate Editor: ------- Circulate comes with a level editor. To access it, type "EDITOR" at the main menu. A "Custom Levels" button should appear. Cheat Codes: ------------ Type editor at the main menu. A "Custom Levels" button will appear. Select it, then use the following commands. Key Effect --------------------------------------------- Space - Test play the level, press again to return to editor. Insert - Insert a sphere or level component at pointer. Delete - Delete the selected sphere or level component. H - Toggle on-screen display. Shift - Hold to reduce the effect of "+" and "-" buttons by 10. Ctrl - Hold to increase the effect of "+" and "-" on-screen by 10. Home - Return to the editor while testing level with current changes. G - Toggle grid. <0-9> - Alter how many segments the grid is split. [Ctrl] + <0-9> - Alter how many sections each grid segment is divided by. S - Snap selected component to nearest grid location. [Shift] - Hold while moving sphere to prevent it from overlapping other components.