Chessmaster 10th Edition Unlock Additional Chess Sets: ----------------------------- You can unlock additional chess sets by winning a certain number of rated games. You will receive a confirmation message whenever you unlock a new set. Unlockable How to Unlock ------------------------------------- Calvert Chess Set - Win 55 rated games. Classic Old Wood Chess Set - Win 25 rated games. Egypt Chess Set - Win 60 rated games. Fancy Metal Chess Set - Win 30 rated games. Indian Glass Chess Set - Win 35 rated games. Modern Chess Set - Win 45 rated games. Neon Chess Set - Win 15 rated games. Steel Chess Set - Win 50 rated games. 10 Move Draw ------------ I had draws with Chess Master before but not less than 15 moves. This one really kicks ass, CM got confused or could not see a way out of my drawn out match. Here is the game: [Event ""] [Site ""] [Date "2007.4.29"] [Round ""] [White "RAPALLO"] [Black "Chessmaster"] [TimeControl "*30"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "oft "] 1.d4 {00:00} 1...Nf6 {00:00 (Book)} 2.c4 {00:02} 2...g6 {00:00 (Book)} 3.Nc3 {00:03} 3...Bg7 {00:01 (Book)} 4.Bd2 {00:09} 4...d6 {00:03 (Score: 0.18, Depth: 1/7)} 5.Nf3 {00:10} 5...c5 {00:03 (Score: 0.18, Depth: 1/5)} 6.e3 {00:14} 6...Bf5 {00:05 (Score: 0.12, Depth: 1/6)} 7.Nh4 {00:17} 7...Bd7 {00:07 (Score: 0.00, Depth: 1/7)} 8.Nf3 {00:20} 8...Bf5 {00:07 (Score: 0.00, Depth: 2/8)} 9.Nh4 {00:22} 9...Bd7 {00:10 (Score: 0.00, Depth: 1/7)} 10.Nf3 {00:23} 10...Bf5 {00:11 (Score: 0.00, Depth: 1/6)}