Centurion - Defender of Rome HexCheat: --------- The first Gameposition is in file 0.CSV, the second is in 1.CSV and so on .... If you will have 655565 Money, take a Savegame and change on Offset 5F Ah the value to FF FF: debug 0.csv e 6fa ff ff w q Passwords: ---------- PASSWORD 1: This password will take you to year 273 B.C. with the rank of Centurion. The code is CBUA ANQC QAAA BBIP 555Q 1PSQ PASSWORD 2: This password will take you to year 265 B.C. with the rank of Tribune. The code is BA7A IPIK QAAA ACZ5 555T 7UBY PASSWORD 3: ----------- This password will take you to year 264 B.C. with the rank of Tribune. The code is BA5A AHAL QAIQ BCD5 555T HNTE PASSWORD 4: ----------- This password will take you to year 264 B.C. with the rank of General. The code is EMUA ETYL QAKA JEKV 555U BSVT PASSWORD 5: ----------- This password will take you to year 267 B.C. with the rank of Praetor. The code is EBRA E6II RA6Q JNCV 555T D55E PASSWORD 6: ----------- This password will take you to year 264 B.C. with the rank of Consul. The code is D24A GNQL TEPQ J4MZ 555U GCEL PASSWORD 7: ----------- This password will take you to year 255 B.C. with the rank of Proconsul. The code is JCSA HXAU TH5Q J5NK V55W J17M PASSWORD 8: ----------- This password will take you to year 244 B.C. with the rank of Proconsul. The code is LB5Q MKI5 5555 Z5NK VP5W IQZG