Captain Comic 2 - Fractured Reality HexCheat: --------- Submitted by: Chris Humbert Email: cheat@mahadri.com The existing "set 255 lives" cheat works, but causes weird things to be displayed in the HUD. Included is a better infinite lives cheat. Invincibility 00004F0B: 28 90 00004F0C: 06 90 00004F0D: ED 90 00004F0E: 08 90 Infinite Lives 00004AA3: 8B B9 00004AA4: 0E 0A 00004AA5: 8F 09 00004AA6: 02 90 Infinite Jetpack 00004A8E: 8B B9 00004A8F: 0E 0A 00004A90: 22 09 00004A91: 02 90 HexCheat: --------- 99 fuel units on jetpack: ------------------------- set 0x00246e = 9 0x00246f = 9 0x002476 = 9 0x002477 = 9 Set 255 lives: -------------- FR.EXE 00001A14: 04 FF