Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare - Remastered Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Completion bonuses: ------------------- Successfully complete the game on any difficulty to unlock the cheat menu and Arcade mode. The cheat menu can be found at the options menu while playing the game. Cheat options: -------------- Collect the indicated number of intel pieces (enemy laptop computers) hidden throughout the game to unlock the corresponding cheat option: COD Noir : 2 Intel pieces. Turns graphics black and white. Photo-Negative : 4 Intel pieces. Inverts the colors. Super Contrast : 6 Intel pieces. Increases the contrast. Ragtime Warfare : 8 Intel pieces. Silent Movie mode; graphics are black and white, dust and scratches fill the screen, game plays at two times the speed, and the music becomes piano music. Cluster Bombs : 10 Intel pieces. Frag grenades are more powerful. A Bad Year : 15 Intel pieces. Enemies explode into tires when shot. Slow-Mo Ability : 20 Intel pieces. Slow motion game play. Infinite Ammo : 30 Intel pieces. Zakhaev's Sons : 30 Intel pieces. Explosive Lemons : 30 Intel pieces. Melon Head : 30 Intel pieces. Mile High Club mission: ----------------------- Successfully complete Story mode on any difficulty, and watch the entire credits to unlock the Mile High Club mission. Easy "Desert Storm" achievement: -------------------------------- Halfway through Mission 2: Crew Expendable ("Secure The Package" objective), you will go through a corridor and get attacked by several enemies. Afterwards your team will throw a flashbang into the next room and kill the enemies for you (there is also an intel computer in the area). In that same area is a guy hiding behind a container. He always has a Desert Eagle. Just run around the side of the area to find him. Eliminate him, grab his gun, and kill 5 enemies with it in the next encounter to get the "Desert Storm" achievement.