Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Steam achievements: ------------------- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Achievement How to unlock ----------------------------------------- Abyss - Hunt 20 animals by opening the trapdoor in the Trap Door Maneater level in single player. Adrenaline Junkie - Hunt 5 predators in less than 5 seconds in single player. Always Fresh - Don't empty the whole stamina bar during one Story Mode level. Ambulance-man - Pick up 50 health packs in Story Mode. Booom! - In Maneater single player, blow up 10 TNT crates. Brave or Crazy? - Use only a pistol to hunt a hippopotamus in the Keep Moving Story Mode level. Bullet-man - Pick up 500 rounds of any ammunition in Story Mode. Collector - Pick up all Collectibles in Story Mode. Combo Wizard - In Single Player Arcade Plus, keep the 2x Damage Hunter Award from the first checkpoint to the end. Dare-devil - Take all the dangerous paths in all Arcade Plus levels in single player. Dodge This - Dodge an animal attack 30 times in Story Mode. Double Fun - Hunt 25 elite animals with the double barrel shotgun in single player Maneater levels. Eagle Eye - Hunt a bird or bat using a crossbow in any Story Mode level. Reflex Master - Win any Reflex Shooting Gallery hunting all animals in order in single player. Repeating Fun - Finish one Maneater level in single player only using the repeating crossbow. Run Piggie, Run! - Shoot 75 warthogs in Reflex Plus galleries in single player. Scratchless - Pass any Story Mode level except the Take the Shot level without taking damage. Untouchable - Pass round 1 to 5 of any Maneater level in single player without receiving a single hit.