Cabal Reconnaissance: --------------- If you pause the game and you should find that you are able to move your gun target around. Cheats: ------- Update by: aepree04 For infinite lives in this game, use the DOS utility DEBUG. First backup your game to be edited, then type the following from the DOS prompt: ren gitum.frm cheater.cht debug cheater.cht e 3a6 c6 6 c0 85 c3 ff 2e 1f 0 Then type: w q Then rename CHEATER.CHT back to its previous name. Skilling up the farthest: ------------------------- Submitted by: dee pamela Unequip all your weapons and find an area where you can "Punch" (normal attack) a orange-named (strong level) monster for 1 damage. Although 1 point of damage is best, doing 2 to 10 is fine, but you will gain less skill experience. Click on the monster, press [Normal Attack], and your character should start attacking the monster constantly, without you having to do anything except change to another target once the previous one dies. If you must use skills like Regeneration to keep healing, it is recommended you get a "Life Absorb Ring", which will constantly absorb HP from the damage you deal to a monster. To make this even easier and require less attention, play the game in windowed mode.