Build-A-Bearville Cheat Codes: ------------- Update by: CoachRocker Update by: shannon Update by: badcc Submitted by: RM To enter a code, first go inside the Buid-a-Bear Workshop, located in the Town Square. Once inside, click on the bear at the counter. His name is Champ, and he's the Bear Builder associate. Anyway, select the second option (Enter a web code for your FREE gift?). Then type in the code and click accept to get your gift! Code Result ----------------------- MILK-RCKS-2008 - Milk (Held in hand) NGKS-BABV-2008 - Explorer's Hat J955-K8S5-3WX9 - Gives you Y226-BW25-DX63 - Gives you the Valentines Day emoticon. 7LN5-T4B5-44YH - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. PEOP-BABW-2008 - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. EMBY-BABV-2008 - Adds 1,000 Bear Bills to your account. 24T7-5347-CH6G - Corbin Bleu Poster (For Cub Condo). 3QGG-WM48-35MQ - Pom Poms (Held in hand). N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 - Locker (For Cub Condo). JBM4-4YV3-5578 - Megaphone (Held in hand). TM45-ZWX9-J732 - cheerleading move (spilts in the air). MILK-RCKS-0808 - Cow Bell (Worn around neck). nhks-babv-2008 - Safari Hat. 82ND-7V66-VLSM - Voting T-Shirt. 0023 - then any random numbers for a beach towel. S334-6Q32-6SN5 - for a hannah montana outfit. 6238-6897-Q96V - For the Puerto Rican Flag. bear-hugs-2008 - bear hugs tee. NGK4-BABV-2008 - for free snow boots. 9TWV-9J24-XTDK - Sleigh. WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 - Snow Globe. 5J48-25N7-96N6 - Silver & Gold Wrapped Present. 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. 87J3-48YH-SPPZ - Wii Emoticon. X9CN-QXF2-Y88Y - Sewing Machine. 23D2-DSCZ-C968 - Playhouse. 368F-K6KM-4V53 - Time To Paws Frame. 79T5-2N9G-9234 - Happy Bearthday Frame. 6S87-223B-78H2 - Pawfect Princess Frame. 983W-9J9R-3H6Q - Be Beariffic Frame. 3347-229F-MP3V - Pawsome Soccer Figurine. 893R-SL9F-3GLC - Friendship Is A Gift Figurine. HG3R-4266-6R35 - Time To Paws Figurine. BYKL-23CW-ZC62 - Beary Sweet Figurine. F542-3443-9NJL - Bear Ballet - Paint Your Own Figurine. JBQC-R6K7-W46M - Bearthday Bear - Paint Your Own Figurine. RH7K-4X3W-88MG - Bakers Apron Set. D822-Z895-KC9W - Be Beariffic snow globe. QCRH-7S42-S24R - Pawfect Princess snow globe. MRCC-4FS8-FH6M - Happy Bearthday snow globe QR33-66DY-5XCS - 100% Pawsome Cheerleader snow globe. 9TWV-9J24-XTDK - Sleigh. WS53-7VJ6-7Y33 - Snow Globe. 5J48-25N7-96N6 - Silve & Gold Wrapped Present. 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. S334-6Q32-6SN5 - Purple Diva Outfit. 9N84-G72J-YMT6 - Purple Diva Outfit. W3YH-8B45-527M - 1000 bearbills. 7LN5-T4B5-44YH - 1000 bearbills. J94P-WJ64-NX2K - 1000 bearbills. NGK3-BABV-2008 - 1000 bearbills. HGS5-K832-Z5TC - I Heart BABW Shirt. 3QGG-WM48-35MQ - Pompoms. N2FV-PQ7L-79R3 - Locker. The right key to the recycle: ----------------------------- If you want this quest..go to the meadow and click the foot prints of a bear and then go to the town and then check your mail and then when they said go to the libeary go to there and then talk to maxine and go to the town and talk to bear and.. when there is a quest that you will find the right key for the recycle place.. go to the paw park and beside the flower there is the key it is color green Skateboard without a board-Cheat: --------------------------------- Submitted by: Buildabearville If you don't have a skateboard and want to play honeyzone skateboarding without using your bear bills to buy a skateboard click the games icon at the top of your screen then find honeyzone skate boarding and it will let you play wothout having your own skateboard you have previouslly brought. Secret Rooms: ------------- Submitted by: Frazmaz -=For secret room No.1=- Go to the coffe shop and then click on the orange painting on the left for the secret Coffee Shop. -=For secret room No.2=- Go to the entrance and click on the biggest hole at the bottom of the biggest tree for a secret treehouse. Secret rooms: ------------- Submitted by: babv 1) click on the cat in the coffee shop 2) click on the trampoline in the town square 3) click on the hole in the tree in the enterance (next to the path to the farm) 4) click on the bottom of the palmtree behind the chair at the sunshine shores cave beach. New wardrobe: ------------- Submitted by: SassyPants45 First you start a trade with someone. Then you click on every piece of clothing they own. And quickly press the check on the paw in the middle. After that it will cancel the trade and you'll have every piece of there clothing. For more money: --------------- Submitted by: Riko Log in to build a bearville then open a new tab type in build a bearville and create a new person then try and log in the den you are in if it is full change den with you real person and go to a avalibale den once there go to town square and make you new person ask for trade on you reacl person with the 1000 in you new player you can get more morney straight away. Getting new clothes: -------------------- Start a trade with someone else. Click on every piece of clothing they have. Quickly select the check on the paw in the middle. It will cancel the trade, but you will still get their clothing. Extra Bearbills: ---------------- Submitted by: Coolbabvgirl For extra bearbills go to the sportsplex, click the panda and tick all the boxes for 100 bearbill. If u go 2 the fair (it's not there all year) and play carnival bell you get bearbills. And finally, go to sunshine shores cave beach, click near the bottom of the palm tree, and you will be by the litehouse. Click the kiosk and go fishing in peace and quiet! Loads of ways to get bearbills on babv: --------------------------------------- Submitted by: Emily Go to pawsome panda and tick all of the boxes and get 100 bearbills. Make a charter on build a bear and minimize it then make an other charter and put it in the same den as the other charter then trade with the other charter and trade the 1000 bearbills. go to the coffee shop and click on the cat picture then you will appear at the top coffee shop then click on the slide and get 100 bearbills (that might not always work). Secret places in babv: ---------------------- Submitted by: Emily 1. Go to the town square and next to bearville outfitters there is a trampoline click on it to go to a secret room. 2. Go to the entrance and click on the biggest tree with the hole in. 3. Go to the coffee shop and click on the cat picture and that will take you to the top secret coffee shop. Train Inside: ------------- Submitted by: Bob Boblen Guess what? Now, if you get a train to anywhere, you're allowed in the train once you get in it! You can spend as long as you like in it. I like to go on a journey and eat stuff from the coffee shop on it, while sitting down (yes, there are seats, big red leather ones)! Room's: ------- Submitted by: thomas 1. click on the cat pic in in the coffty shop 2. click on the roof of bearville outfitter's 3. click on the bottom of the palm tree in sunshine sours cave 4. click on the on the balcey in the pforming art's center Secret places: -------------- Submitted by: emmy 1. coffee shop click on the cat 2. entrance click on the tree trunk thing 3. sunshine shores click on the palm tree 4. town square click on the trampoline 5. inside pawforming arts click on the paw on the balcony. Secret rooms: ------------- Submitted by: marnie there are secret room: - secret lighthouse: go to the beach and click on the palm tree behind the chair - secret treehouse: go to the entrance and click on the hole in the tree - secret rooftop: go to the town square and click on the trampoline - secret coffee shop: go to the coffee shop and click on the cat pic - secret backstage: go to the pawforming art centre and and to the box where people sit in the corner Secret rooms: ------------- Submitted by: bubble2 1.go to the enterance and click on the large hole on the tree on the left. 2.go to sunshine shores cave and click on the palm tree behind the tall chair. 3.go inside the pawforming arts centre and click on the first balconey. 4.go to the coffee shop and click on the picture with the cat on. Scavenger Garbage Hunt: ----------------------- Submitted by: Fishy Go to Sunshine Shores and play the garbage scavenger hunt. Find as many peices of garbage as you can; when the time runs out and you haven't found 10 pieces of trash, cick the END butten and click quit scavenger hunt. Then trash will still be around. Find as much as u you can, then start the scavenger hunt again! Codes: ------ Submitted by: daizyhaisy 1.6547-ASND-75S4>>Rainbow Tee 2.5568-6455-7346>>Unicorn Tee 3.3659-WHA7-548S>>Lepuercan Tee 4.6735-8327-1842>>Dragon Tee 5.2649-1594-03A2>>Baby Tee Bearamy's Tophats quest and Paulette's Pink flowers quest: ------------------------------- Here's where you can find them: -=Bearamy's Tophats quest=- 1.Paulette Coufer's Boutique 2.Pawforming Arts Center 3.Bear University 4.Paw Park 5.Waterfall -=Paulette's Pink flowers quest=- 1.Paulette Coufer's Boutique 2.Cave 3.Par Park 4.Friendship Forest Park 5.Maxine Clark's Condo Secret Places In Build-A-Bearville: ----------------------------------- Submitted by: Lil Chris 1. Go to the coffee shop and click on the cat picture and you will be in the secret rooftop 2. Go to the town square and click on the trampoline and you will go to the bearville outfitters store rooftop 3. Go to the entrance and click on the hole in the biggest tree and you will go to the tree house 4. (This only can be used if you're a Jr. CyBear Guide) Go to the Naibhourhood and put your Jr. Cybearguide hat and click on the red phone box and you go to the Jr. Cybearguide HQ The Easter Basket Quest: ------------------------ Here's where you can find the Easter Baskets: 1. Maxine Clark's Condo 2. Meadow 3. Sunshine Shores Cave 4. Kooky Spooky Funhouse 5. Skate Park Square Secret place: ------------- Submitted by: jadekaratebear7 1.Bearvile outfitters rooftop- Click the trampoline in the town square 2.Secret coffee shop - Click the long cat painting in the coffee shop 3.Lighthouse - Click the palm tree in sunshine shores CAVE. 4.Backstage - Click the balcony in the performing arts place Safety Quiz Edited With New Prize: ---------------------------------- Submitted by: AbbygailBearDiva59 If you go in the Furbulous Fashion District you click on the safety cone next to Pawlette and you take the quiz and get a Stop Block Tell emoticon. If you already took the quiz, you are taken to safety tips. The old prize was a Safety Cone hat for your character. Coffee shop cheats: ------------------- Submitted by: Anakakia Go to the coffee shop if you want to get food half off. sit down and click check the menu. Get these two food items: milk and hot chocolate, milk and peppermint biscotti, or hot chocolate and peppermint biscotti. it cost 50 bearbills. call a server, and when they start making your order, press the two letters in the bottom left corner on your keyboard. it will change once. press the next 2 letters on your keyboard. when you reach the end, it will say 50% off. you then get the food for only 25 bearbills! Also click on the orange cat picture to get to the secret coffee shop. Sootball move: -------------- Submitted by: no Go on web code and enter: G92NFZJ4Y6K9 - FOOTBALL MOVE 65YC-JB8S-3C42 - Dreidel. 87J3-48YH-SPPZ - Wii EmoticonX9CN-QXF2-Y88Y - Sewing Machine. 23D2-DSCZ-C968 - Playhouse. 368F-K6KM-4V53 - Time To Paws Frame. 79T5-2N9G-9234 - Happy Bearthday Frame. 6S87-223B-78H2 - Pawfect Princess Frame. 983W-9J9R-3H6Q - Be Beariffic Frame.3347-229F-MP3V - Pawsome Soccer Figurine. 893R-SL9F-3GLC - Friendship Is A Gift Figurine. HG3R-4266-6R35 - Time To Paws Figurine. BYKL-23CW-ZC62 - Beary Sweet Figurine. F542-3443-9NJL - Bear Ballet - Paint Your Own Figurine. JBQC-R6K7-W46M - Bearthday Bear - Paint Your Own Figurine. RH7K-4X3W-88MG - Bakers Apron Set. D822-Z895-KC9W - Be Beariffic snow globe. QCRH-7S42-S24R - Pawfect Princess snow globe. MRCC-4FS8-FH6M - Happy Bearthday snow globe QR33-66DY-5XCS - 100% Pawsome Cheerleader snow globe