Bowja 3 - The Fall Of Yokai Hints: ------ Submitted by: RM -=Area 1=- Click the lamp to destroy it. Then click the boxes. When the ninja is on ground, click the boxes again to throw them on the purple ninja. Open the chest to receive the grapnel. Then click on the wood above you to climb up. Then click the danger can to expel flamable liquid. Click the fire to blow up the place so that the purple ninja falls down. Then climb up. -=Area 2=- Click the stick under the purple ninja, the first one to jump on it. Then the second one and at last the third one. Then click the long pipe and when the ninja has jumped on it, click the other pipe to the left of the one you re on to climb down and to it. Click on the diagonal roof to the left of the pipe youre standing on, to walk there. Click the first end of the black wire to releases it and come to the ninja. Then click it again to climb a little up. Then click the open window below the purple ninja. -=Area 3=- Click the white with red lines roof. Then click on the bell to confuse the purple ninjas and make them fight. HAHAHA. At the end, in their fight, they will both fall in the well. Then click the boxes to proceed down. Click the bell wire and then fast click the well to hide. When the two ninjas has passen you, click the door they came out from. -=Area 4: The Boss=- There are five flames firing. Click on all of them to blow their fire of. Then it is dark, so the boss cant see you. Click the beautiful blue light thing on the end of the stage. You will destroy the boss. Congratulations! We made it, we defeated the boss, together.