Blue Ice Hints: ------ * Try everything! This games does not follow the rules, so even if it seems bizarre...go for it. But save as you go. * Watch carefully when the hand goes know you will have to come back to do something at a later stage. Even more importantly when the arrow goes red, you know you have found the entrance to one of the many you just have to get into it. * The moon will cut plants which you need...the reed in the pond for the clarinet in the music room, the Yerba de Mate plant in the first garden, and the lavender plant and the plant you need to paint with in the second garden. * You need to keep going back to the rooms, they all interact with each other. Items from one room will only be relevant in another room etc. * Various books in the library shelves will change when you have either a liquid, a powder, an insect or a leaf. Depending on what sort of item, you have the description will change eg in the liquids book there are descriptions for water, wine, lavender water etc. You need to refer to these books for clues.