Blood 2 - Nightmare Levels Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: abedanour26 Press 'T' to Talk, then type: Code Result ------------------------------ MPGOD - god mode MPKFA - all weapons and all ammo MPAMMO - restore all ammo MPCLIP - ghost mode, fly and no clip MPHEALTHY - restores all health to 100 MPWHEREAMI - displays your coordinates MPBEEFCAKE - increased power (more gore and blood) MPKILLEMALL - kill all enemies on level MPSPEEDUP - increases your speed (1...5) MPSTRONGER - increases your strength (1...5) MPCALEB - change your character model to caleb MPOPHELIA - change your charcter model to ophelia MPISHMAEL - change your character to model ishmael MPGABBY - change your character model to gabriel MPTHEORB - the orb MPLIFELEECH - Life Leech MPGOBLE - brian.l goble is a programming god MPTOTARO - jim totaro is the man! MPGOSHOPPING - gives all items MPNICENURSE - gives +25 health MPVERYNICENURSE - gives +300 health MPWARD - gives ward (25 armour) MPNEWCROWARD - gives newcroward (100 armour) MPCARBONFIBER - gives willpower powerup MPTAKEOFFSHOES - invisible MPHEREKERMUR - gives triple damage powerup MPBERETTA - Gives you the Beretta, do twice for dual weapon MPSUBMACHINEGUN - Gives you Submachinegun " MPFLAREGUN - Gives you Flaregun " MPSHOTGUN - Gives you Shotgun " MPSNIPERRIFLE - Gives you Sniper Rifle MPHOWITZER - Gives you Howitzer MPNAPALMCANNON - Gives you Napalm Cannon MPSINGULARITY - Gives you Singularity Generator MPASSAULTRIFLE - Gives you Assault Rifle MPBUGBUSTER - Gives you Bug buster MPMINIGUN - Gives you Minigun MPLASERRIFLE - Gives you Cobalco Laser Rifle MPTESLACANNON - Gives you Tesla Cannon MPVOODOO - Gives you Voodoo Doll MPHONGKONG - Gives you infinite ammo MPINFO - Gives you infinite health MPBEANSOFFCOOLNESS - gives a nice selection of weapons with their ammo WEN YOU INSTALL THE 1.01 PATCH FOR BLOOD II, TYPE THIS CHEAT TO CHANGE FROM 1ST TO 3RD PERSON CAMERA VIEW NOT SHIFT I AND SHIFT O LIKE BEFORE PATCHED: MPFOLLOWME - change from 1st to 3rd person camera view when patched with patch 1.01 for retail version of blood 2 THE WEAPONS ----------- mpflayer = you get the flayer! mpcombatshotgun = you get the combatshotgun!