Blair Witch Volume 3 - Elly Kedward Cheat Codes: ------------ Hit [F10] and enter the following cheats: Code Result ---------------------------- godgames - God Mode. giveall - All Weapons. IWORKFORGOD - God Mode. GETINTOMYBELLY - All Weapons. BIGHEAD - Big Head Mode. GIBNPLENTY - Gratuitous Dismemberment. T2000 - Terminator Skin. GIVEMEFAITH - Restore Health. NOD3D - Invisibility. HELLFREEZEOVER - Freeze Enemies. BIGSTICKOFDEATH - Get Shotgun. MEDIUMRARE - Get Crossbow. GOODTIMESMAN - Get Dynamite. BURNYOURASSOFF - Get Flamethrower. MEETMYPALTOMMY - Get Tommygun. SMILEYNOMORE - Get Elephant Gun. SUNOFGOD - Get Charge Radiance Emitter. IAMAWIMPFORTHIS - 100 Bullets. RECHARGE - Restore Flashlight Battery. THEDOGFARTED - Gas Mask. ICANSEE - Night Vision Goggles. WWBEWARE - Get Silver Bullets. VAMPBEWARE - Get Lith Bullets. DEMONBEWARE - Get Mercy Bullets. ISUCK - Easy Difficulty. IRULE - Hard Difficulty. COMBATISSCARY - Easy Combat. PUZZLESARESCARY - Easy Puzzles. INSTANTCRASH - Crash The Game. THUNDERSTORM - Create Storm (Even Inside). SNOWSTORM - Snowflakes Fall. FLAMEONASTICK - Flaming Ammo. Hints: ------ Switch between firearms and spells as you kill the seemingly endless supply of undead that attack you in the woods. This ensures you won't run low on either mana or bullets. Find a spot in the woods where the undead keep popping up and kill 'em one by one, then walk over the remains to retrieve vials that boost your health or mana. You'll also find that 18th-century zombies frequently drop pouches of bullets after being sent back to the world of the dead handy, eh? After blasting a stick-figure "twana monster," grab the blue crystal that drops to the ground to prevent its resurrection. Good Ending: ------------ Beat the final demon using the Bible to get the good ending for the game.