Bird Hunter - Wild Wings Edition Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: nightraider Updated by: Kel Johnson Enter one of the following codes while playing the game press F2 and type in the following cheats: Code Result -------------------- wwflock - Go to Nearest Flock of Birds wwcovey - Go to Nearest Covey of Upland Birds wwcallin - Go to Nearest Animal wwnofear - Brids Do Not Fear You wwgobler - Brings You to the Nearest Turkey wwflash - Lightning add avenger - Shoot minigun Hints: ------ type spawn sagegrouse and a sage grouse will immediately fly out from right below your feet this is true also with: spawn ruffedgrouse, spawn woodcock, spawn pheasant, spawn bobwhitequail, spawn californiaquail, These cheats aren't counted as cheats and if you go to the settings menu on your start screen and choose options and turn off bag limits you can keep spawning and picking up your birds without any kind of cheating accused. Birds are unafraid of you: -------------------------- In the game hit F2 then type in wwnofear. Get to the nearest covey of upland birds: ----------------------------------------- When you are in the game hit F2 then type in wwcovey. Get to the nearest flock of geese or ducks: ------------------------------------------- In the game hit F2 then type in wwflock. Get to the nearest turkey: -------------------------- In the game hit F2 then type in wwgobbler. Lightning: ---------- Hit F2 and type in wwflash then hit Enter. Hit F2 again quickly. Machine gun: ------------ To get a machine gun press f2 and punch in the following (avenger).