Bird Hunter 2003 - Legendary Hunting Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: colmjp When in the hunt press [F1] and type: /twinkletwinkle=1 It shows all the Turkeys as green flags. Red_stag88 Cheats: ------- Press [F1] during the following screens and type in code. (Hunt screen) Code Effect ------------------------------------ dggoldenegg - Birds are less scared (Hunt or Map screen) dgluckyduck - Large number of birds (Hunt or Map screen) dgwarp - Teleport on map (Map screen) dgbirdseye - View bird Icons (Map screen) dgeggsact - Gun is stable (Hunt screen) dgfamine - Birds look for feeding site (Hunt screen) dgpredator - Super Vision (Hunt screen) dgsnowgoose - Change Weather effects (Hunt screen)