Bet On Soldier - Blood of Sahara Cheats: ======= Submitted By: Rishbh Sharma Important Notes: =x=x=x=x=x=x=x= Before Editing the file: 1. Please make a backup of the file you are going to modify. When Editing the File 1. Use the "TAB" Key to make a large distance (Not "SPACE") For Example: ------------ Wrong MaxAmmo = 800, Right MaxAmmo = 800, In the Wrong type I have used the space key 8 Times, but this is wrong. In Right type I have used the TAB key one time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open the file "Globals.lua" with notepad located in Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1Script Folder Edit the file to activate the cheat function Increase Player Life to 9999 ============================ Replace g_nPlayerLife = 1000 with g_nPlayerLife = 9999 God Mode ======== Replace SetGodMode(GetCharacterID("Player"),false) with SetGodMode(GetCharacterID("Player"),true) Increase Mercenary life ======================= Replace g_nMercenaryLife = 600 with g_nMercenaryLife = 999 Mercenary 1 God Mode ================== Replace SetGodMode(_idMerc[0],false) with SetGodMode(_idMerc[0],true) Mercenary 2 God Mode ==================== Replace SetGodMode(_idMerc[1],false) with SetGodMode(_idMerc[1],true) Add Money For Picking ===================== Replace AddPlayerMoney(150.0) with AddPlayerMoney(15000.0) Weapon Modifications: ===================== You can modify your weapons by opening the files located in the Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1Tuningsoloweapons folder Recieve money for buying weapons ========================================== Replace Price = 5000 with Price = -5000 Note: If you set the weapon prices to negative value, you'll get money instead of spending it. Enjoy! There will be categories of weapons For Example, all SMG's configurations are located in the "smg.cfg" file Disable Crosshair's movement (More Accuracy) ============================================ Set Original values to these values Handiness = 0.0, MaxRandomAccuracy = 0.0, CrouchAccuracyLeft = 0.0, CrouchRecoilLeft = 0.0, RandomAccuracyDecreaseFactor = 0.0, ImpulseForceOnFireV1 = 0.0, RandomAccuracyV1 = 0.0, RandomAccuracyIncreaseFactorV1 = 0.0, ImpulseYawHalfV1 = 0.0, ImpulsePitchV1 = 0.0, Note: If the weapon has second view, you should see this line: SecondView = true, If this line is written so "ImpulseForceOnFireV2" [without quotes("")] should be also replaced. Example: ImpulseForceOnFireV2 = 0.0, RandomAccuracyV2 = 0.0, RandomAccuracyIncreaseFactorV2 = 0.0, ImpulseYawHalfV2 = 0.0, ImpulsePitchV2 = 0.0, Note: V2 Stands for Second View Settings Set Rate of fire ================ Set Original Values to these values: InitFireDurationV1 = 0.0, FiringDurationV1 = 0.01, ExitFireDurationV1 = 0.0, Note: The numeric value is similar to duration. For example the values above Means that the total time taken by firing one bullet is 0.01 (0.0+ 0.01+ 0.0) Decrease the Reload time (Faster Reload) ======================================== Set Original values to these values: ReloadInitTime = 0.0, ReloadTime = 0.3, ReloadExitTime = 0.0, Note: These values are equal to reloading duration. If you set all of the values above to 0.0 you will reload your weapon very fast (less than 1 sec) Increase Magazines and thier capacity ===================================== Replace original values with these values: MaxAmmo = 800, MaxMagazines = 50, Automatic Firing mode ===================== Replace RepeatMode = "SINGLE", with RepeatMode = "AUTO", Fire Rockets From other weapons =============================== Replace Projectile = "Type", with Projectile = "Projectile_CARE_Rocket", Note: Every weapon has it's special Projectile types. You will see different types of projectiles in each weapon. If you want to replace one weapons projectile, you have to see the other projectile Types. SMG FKG 1978 has "Projectile_Champion_BulletSMG_B" Type bullets. Run When Firing Weapons (Disable Walking when Firing) ===================================================== Replace ForceWalkWhenFiring = false, With ForceWalkWhenFiring = true, Note: This feature is avaliable in several weapons. Mission Modifications ===================== Open the file "missions.cfg" with notepad located in Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1Tuningsolo folder Edit the file to activate the cheat function Recieve extra money for missions (payment) ========================================== Replace Payment_Easy = 8500.0, Payment_Normal = 6800.0, Payment_Hard = 6800.0, with Payment_Easy = 850000.0, Payment_Normal = 680000.0, Payment_Hard = 680000.0, Unlock Armors ============= You will see these lines in the file ----------------------------------------- --- ::: ARMORS ::: ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- Armors = { "Light_Player", "Heavy_Player", }, These "Light_Player" and "Heavy_Player" are armors and these names are written in the Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1TuningsoloArmors folder For example Armor_light_player, Armor_Heavy_Player Note: In every armor name in "missions.cfg", Light_Player is used instead of Armor_light_player. This means that the first word like weapon_ , Armor_ etc. will be removed in missions.cfg except projectile_ Armor Types ----------- Light_Player ----- Light Armor Heavy_Player ----- Heavy Armor Exo_Player ----- R-Solid 5600 Note: More Armor types are written in the "armors.cfg" file like Resistant, Syndicate etc. Here is an example of my editing of missions.cfg file ----------------------------------------- --- ::: ARMORS ::: ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- Armors = { "Light_Player", "Heavy_Player", "Exo_Player", }, Unlock Shields ============== Open the file "shield.cfg" in the Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1 TuningSoloWeapons folder You should see various types of shield names written there. Example Weapon_Shield_Light_Player You can use these shield names to unlock shields. Just type the shield name in the "missions.cfg" file. Here is an example: ----------------------------------------- --- ::: WEAPONS ::: --------------------- ----------------------------------------- Weapons = { ----------------------------------- Melee "roto_Blade_A", "roto_Blade_B1", "roto_Blade_B2", ------------------------------ One Handed "Gun_A1", "Gun_A2", "Gun_A3", "Gun_B1", "SMG_A1", "SMG_A2", "SMG_A3", "SMG_B", "Pump_A", "Pump_B", ----------------------------------- Rifle "Assault_A2", "Assault_A3", "Assault_B1", "Assault_B2", "Assault_B3", "COM_A2", "COM_B1", "COM_B2", "COM_B3", "Sniper_Rifle_A1", "Sniper_Rifle_A2", "Sniper_Rifle_A3", ----------------------------------- Heavy "Missile_A1", "Missile_A2", "Missile_B1", "Missile_B2", "WShot_A", "WShot_B", "Gatlin_A1", "Gatlin_A2", "Gatlin_B1", "Gatlin_B2", "Gaz_A1", "Gaz_A2", "Gaz_B", "Shield_Light_Player", "Shield_Heavy_Player", ------------------------------ Grenades 1 "Grenade_Frag", "Grenade_Cluster", ------------------------------ Grenades 2 "Grenade_Gaz_Hallu", "Grenade_Gaz_Fire", "Grenade_Gaz_Acid", }, Use the Shield name in the "Heavy" section. Note: Don't Forget to Remove The Weapon_ Prefix as written above Unlock Weapons ============== To Unlock weapons, you have to type thier names in the sections written in the "missions.cfg" file You can find thier names in the files located in the Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1TuningSoloWeapons folder Just choose the type, open the file and read your favourite weapon name For Example, If you need INTENSIVE CARE weapon, open the "care.cfg" file You should see this: ---------------------------------------- -- CARE_A1 ---------------------------------------- Weapon_CARE_A1 = { Chassis = "CARE", mode_primary_0 = "Mode_CARE_A1_Base", InGameName = "GUI_WEAPON_INTENSIVE_CARE", Color = Color(1,1,1,1), Price = 10450.0, PrimaryUpgrade = "GUI_MENU_BOS_DESC_PRIMARY_WEAPON_99", SecondaryUpgrade = "GUI_MENU_BOS_DESC_PRIMARY_WEAPON_03", GrenadeEffect = "GUI_NO_DESCRIPTION", ShieldProtection = "GUI_NO_DESCRIPTION", Tips = "GUI_MENU_WEAPON_DESC_TIPS_INTENSIVE CARE", AuthorizeSimultaneousFires = true, Handiness = 0.0, MaxRandomAccuracy = 0.0, CrouchAccuracyLeft = 0.0, CrouchRecoilLeft = 0.0, RandomAccuracyDecreaseFactor = 0.0, ForceWalkWhenFiring = false, AIUseDistanceMin = 80, -- sounds SoundChangeLower = "[NONE]", SoundChangeRaise = "[NONE]", SoundInitFirePrimary = "[NONE]", SoundFirePrimary = "Sound_Bazooka_Canon_Trail", SoundEmptyPrimary = "[NONE]", SoundExitFirePrimary = "[NONE]", SoundInitFireSecondary = "[NONE]", SoundFireSecondary = "[NONE]", SoundEmptySecondary = "[NONE]", SoundExitFireSecondary = "[NONE]", SoundReloadInit = "[NONE]", SoundReloadMain = "Sound_CareReload", SoundReloadExit = "[NONE]", } Now the name of the weapon is Weapon_Care_A1 open the file "missions.cfg" and type the weapon name in its section [Rifle (I don't think that weapons needed to be written in sections, but you should write it in)]. Don't Forget to Remove the Weapon_ Prefix Here is an example of missions.cfg file ----------------------------------------- -- config file for BOS Missions ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---- LIGUE 2 - ROAD TO DEBHA ------------ ----------------------------------------- Mission_Road_to_Debha = { InGameName = "GUI_MENU_NAME_MISSION_INFO_NIV_P", Desc = "GUI_MENU_BRIEFING_INFO_NIV_P", MiniDesc = "GUI_MENU_WORLD_INFO_NIV_P", BriefingImage = "skinset-bos-solo-briefing-road-to-debha.briefing", LoadingImage = "skinset-bos-solo-loading-road-to-debha.loading", League = 2, MapCoordX = 402, MapCoordY = 303, Difficulty = 1, Payment_Easy = 850000.0, Payment_Normal = 680000.0, Payment_Hard = 680000.0, ----------------------------------------- --- ::: LOADS ::: ----------------------- ----------------------------------------- Load_0 = "Road_to_Debha_1", Map_0 = "Map_Road_to_Debha_1", ----------------------------------------- Load_1 = "Road_to_Debha_2", Map_1 = "Map_Road_to_Debha_2", Champion_1_0_0 = "Champion_Kareem_Cherni", Champion_1_0_1 = "Champion_Martin_Glazer", Champion_1_0_2 = "Champion_Faker_El_Tunsi", ----------------------------------------- Load_2 = "Road_to_Debha_3", Map_2 = "Map_Road_to_Debha_3", Champion_2_0_0 = "Champion_Ivanov_Drogn", ----------------------------------------- --- ::: ARMORS ::: ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- Armors = { "Light_Player", "Heavy_Player", "Exo_Player", }, ----------------------------------------- --- ::: WEAPONS ::: --------------------- ----------------------------------------- Weapons = { ----------------------------------Shields "Shield_Light_Player", "Shield_Heavy_Player", "Champion_Shield_White_Heavy_AutoRepair", ----------------------------------- Melee "roto_Blade_A", "roto_Blade_B1", "roto_Blade_B2", ------------------------------ One Handed "Gun_A1", "Gun_A2", "Gun_A3", "Gun_B1", "SMG_A1", "SMG_A2", "SMG_A3", "SMG_B", "Pump_A", "Pump_B", ----------------------------------- Rifle "Assault_A2", "Assault_A3", "Assault_B1", "Assault_B2", "Assault_B3", "COM_A2", "COM_B1", "COM_B2", "COM_B3", "Sniper_Rifle_A1", "Sniper_Rifle_A2", "Sniper_Rifle_A3", "Care_A1", "Care_B1", ----------------------------------- Heavy "Missile_A1", "Missile_A2", "Missile_B1", "Missile_B2", "WShot_A", "WShot_B", "Gatlin_A1", "Gatlin_A2", "Gatlin_B1", "Gatlin_B2", "Gaz_A1", "Gaz_A2", "Gaz_B", ------------------------------ Grenades 1 "Grenade_Frag", "Grenade_Cluster", ------------------------------ Grenades 2 "Grenade_Gaz_Hallu", "Grenade_Gaz_Fire", "Grenade_Gaz_Acid", }, Now, you can see the "Care_A1", Written in the Rifle Section. Also, I tried to create a new section named Shields(I thought doing this will prevent replacing heavy weapons from shields because we can not take a heavy weapon with a shield, but it didn't worked) The "Champion_Shield_White_Heavy_AutoRepair", Replaced my second shield, but this shield is some type of white magnetic shield that prevents you from fire (The shield with the one handed weapon is different) It Will repair your Armor Automatically and also it has a healing function. Cluster Grenade is a special Grenade that releases 8 More Explosive Grenades (Cool) You can modify the number of Grenades Released by it. Open the file Grenades.cfg located in the Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1TuningSoloProjectiles Folder Find Cluster Grenade Change the lines below like this: SpawnProjectileCount = 10, Note: SpawnProjectileCount Means the number of Grenades to Spawn WARNING: Do not use too much grenades, it can cause the game to Stop. Modify Squealers ================ Open the File "Squealers.cfg" Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1TuningSoloProjectiles Folder Now edit the file to activate cheat function Change Squealer speed ===================== Change this value: Speed = 1000.0, Note: 1000.0 is the value of speed, you can modify it. Change Squealer Life (Time) =========================== Change this value: LifeTime = 8.0, Note: The 8.0 is the value of squealer lifetime. I have changed this value to 100.0 Now my squealer takes More than 10x time Another Cheat ============= Open the file "Mercs.cfg" located in the Blood of SaharamodsBos_AddOn1TuningSolo Folder Edit the File to activate cheat function Disable Force engineer selection ================================ In the sabotage mission, you are forced to take an Engineer with you but you can disable it. Do as directed Find these lines in the file ----------------------------------------- ---- LIGUE 1 - SABOTAGE ----------- ----------------------------------------- Mercenary_John_Vanbasten = { InGameName = "GUI_MENU_MERCENARY_INFO_70", EntityName = "Char_Merc_0", HiringCost = 3500, Ranking = 2, Class = "ENGINEER", Tips = "GUI_MENU_MERCENARY_DESC_TIPS_INGE", ForceSelection = true, } Now replace ForceSelection = true, with ForceSelection = false, Change Mercenaries Hiring Price =============================== Change this value HiringCost = 3500, Note: 3500, is the mercenaries price. ------------------------------------------------------------- You can find more cheats if you try edit the files. Good luck -------------------------------------------------------------