Besieger Submitted by: conner54 Cheatmode: ---------- Start game as usual, in game - bring up the console with ~ (TILDE) and enter the following codes: NOTE: the cheats will turn blue when entered correctly NORMAL CHEATS: -------------- Invulnerability X - 'godmode' ("Invulnerability 1" use 0 to disable Daytime X - set 'daytime' to 1-24 hours ("Daytime 12"= noon Quit/Exit - quit to desktop DEBUG CHEATS: ------------- Debug X - 'debugmode' ("Debug 1" use 0 to disable) Invulnerability X - 'Debug-godmode' ("Invulnerability 1" if Debug i enabled - use 0 to disable) DayTimespeed X - set 'daytimespeed' to 1-XXXXX to speed up the time ("DayTimespeed 10000" = days fly by ;) enabled - use 0 for normal) CreateUnit X - set 'createunit' ("CreateUnit NAME"), to get a complete list try "CreateUnit C" for all units starting with C, you can use A - Z) SSE X - 'intel SSE' ("SSE 1" use 0 to disable) ADDITIONAL DEBUG CODES: ----------------------- AIBehaviour AIMoving DrawUnitsCount DrawAIBehavior DrawReviewManager DrawAIInfo DrawVision DrawContour2D StartTestFunction SwapUnitsOfGenerals AllUnitsToNewGeneral SetNation SwitchOnOffWeapon AllUpgrades DebugTrace StartAIStatistics DrawAIStatistics