Battle Beast Cheat Codes: ------------ Click on the newspaper ad for a Battle Beast. Type in YOYOYO when the options for the number of players appears to enable cheat mode. Then, type one of the following codes on the same screen. Cheat Result -------------------------------------- ITIHFO - fight 3 rounds instead of just one ERHNE - fight all the characters instead of one AOFREOIO - Opens all bonus doors OFOVH - 2X in bonus rooms ERHYHRLY - Makes the Toadman Weaker (like you need this one) OAOAEIOA - Autofly Mode in lab EATEE - Morphing dissabled (Now lets see the 'puter beat ya) OIVNNFOF - Tadpoles attacking in lab enabled EHRTRR - Autofly In bonus rooms enabled ORUFO - Bonus room invincibility RESET - Reset all codes