Baldur's Gate 2 - Throne of Bhaal Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: nightraider Cheat Codes: ------------ Open the file baldur.ini in the BG2 fold and search for the section [Program Options]. Here place a row Debug Mode=1 then save and start your game. Press [Ctrl][Space] to activate the console. Now type in the cheats and confirm with [Enter], all codes are case sensitive. CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP(XXX) Set experience points for your group, where XXX is the amount, this can be max 2950000. You can use this for the group or for the selected character only. CLUAConsole:AddGold(XXX) Set amount of gold, where XXX is the amount CLUAConsole:ExploreArea() Reveal Map CLUAConsole:CreateItem(id) Create Any Item in the Game (see below) CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[item name]",[number]) Create multiple item Effect Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set available gold - CLUAConsole:AddGold("[number]") Set experience points for selected character - CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("[number]") Full map - CLUAConsole:ExploreArea() Spawn monster - CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("[monster name]") Spawn item - CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[item name]") Teleport to indicated location - CLUAConsole:MoveToArea("[location number]") Enable in-game key cheats - CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() Spawn multiple item - CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[item name]",[number]) In-game cheat keys: ------------------- Use one of the following codes during a game after entering the "CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()" code to activate the corresponding cheat function: Result - Keys --------------------- Heal character - [Ctrl] + R Move party to pointer location - [Ctrl] + J Heal and remove harmful spell effects from party - [Ctrl] + T Kill selected character or monster - [Ctrl] + Y Change AC of selected character - [Ctrl] + 1 Previous selected character's model - [Ctrl] + 6 Advance selected character's model - [Ctrl] + 7 Maximum stats at character generation screen - [Shift] + [Ctrl] + 8 Monster names: -------------- Use one of the following values with the "CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("[monster name]")" code to spawn the corresponding creature: Creature Monster name ------------------------------- Black Dragon dragblac Blue Salamander icsalcol Bone Golem icbone01 Demi Lich hldemi Djinni gendji01 Drow Warrior uddrow27 Elder Orb Beholder beheld01 Gauth Beholder behgau01 Giant Troll trogi01 Greater Ghoul ghogr01 Greater Mummy mumgre01 Iron Golem goliro01 Lich lich01 Mature Vampire vammat01 Mind Flayer mindfl01 Minotaur icmin01 Mist Horror mistho01 Ogre ogre01 Orog Warrior orc05 Red Dragon dragred Silver Dragon dragsil Skeleton Warrior skelwa01 Splitter Troll troluo01 Stone Golem golsto01 Wyvern wyvern01 View all ending sequences: -------------------------- Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "baldur.ini" file in the game directory. Add the following lines under the existing entries in the "[Movies]" section to unlock all FMV sequences in the "Play Movie" option. ENDMVE1=1 ENDMVE2=1 ENDMVE3=1 View development team: ---------------------- Go to Watcher's Keep and get to the spirit maze. While in the maze, quickly pause game play and display the area map. The development team will appear in place of the map. Hints: ------ Submitted by: lkaratas start a multy-player game. select a character of your choice. for my part i choise a sorcerer. using the debug cheat warp to the map "9 hells" where the contes "tears of baal" is. save the game immidiatly. after this complete every chamber quest and get the improvement. to complete the quests use the "instant kill" cheat. then export your charakter and load the game in the first place. this time export your newly character.continoue the chamber quest until you reach acid fire cold magic res. 125, savings rools -20 to 25, hit points 300 ac -24. of course to reach the magic res. stat to 125 you will lose dexterity. via a uge editor you could rise it to max. stat of 24 again as well as the other stats. it is very simpel to find these stat in the charachter bios. just type find numeric xx. all stats are very near to the other. then start a single player game and export your character. i got a first level character with these stats: str, dex, const, wis, int, caris. each 24!. fire, acid, cold, magic res. 125. savings rolls so about -20 to 24 and hit points 239. immune to +1 weapon and less. of course i played the game with just one character. it was just funny. the other thing you can do is to pick a kensai and improve him to level 24 and change him after this point to a thief. there is enough exp. points left to reach one or two levels above the first class(but only with the expansion pack: throne of baal). pick the "use all items" improvment for the thief. this way your kensai/thief character can use any armor while only a kensai charakter can't. his damage and to attack stats his much higher of any fighter class even on level 40. and despite of this you use every item, weapon armor... restricted to other classees. you can as well wield to weapon and one of them should increase your attacks by one (there are two such weapon, one short sword, which you can obtain on the streets of amn and the other in the druid grove-ogre mage tower). after casting a improve haste spell on yourself you do 8 attack in one round for over two turns, depending on your or the mages! level, the fighters special whirlwind attack only for two rounds, with only two attacks pro round more. you can even duplicate yourself or even a third clone could be create with the proper spell. once such a character was turned against me with charm spell and execute my entire party less one minute. all my party members had nearly maximum exp. points. the kensai /thief character is to powerfull to gain much fun from the game, but the sorcerer class is a good balance to play alone. for example i got killed for times before i figured out with wich strategy i could kill the "prince of demons" in the lowest level of the "keep" and even so it wasn't easy. Hint: ----- Submitted by: shadowassasin31 When creating a character, choose theif and fill up your pickpocketing skill and later in the game, steal some good items that will sell for a high price. go down to the docks to the orange building owened by the shadow thieves. there will be a merchant there who will bye stolen goods. sell your items and then steal them back. repeat this for a lot of gold. Powerful sorcerer: ------------------ Enable cheat mode, then enter the CLUAConsole:AddSpell("spwi<101-926>") while your sorcerer is highlighted. Use this cheat with the numbers 101-130, 201-230, 301-330, 401-430, 501-530, 601-630, 701-730, 801-830, and 901-930. Some of the numbers will say that the spell does not exist, but continue until you get that message two or three times in a row. Not only are the spells entered into your spell list regardless of intelligence or level, but your party also gains the experience points as though you had copied from a scroll as a wizard. Multiple items for the price of one: ------------------------------------ Go to any shop. Select a character who has a Gem Bag, Scroll Case, Potion Case or Ammo Belt. For example, if you want to buy all the Scrolls Of Protection From Undead from a certain shopkeeper, have the character with the Scroll Case select the scroll with by double clicking so you buy more than one Item. Select all the scrolls the shopkeeper has to offer. The price will reflect every scroll you are going to buy, Next, go to the character's inventory. Double click on the Scroll Case. This opens the case for only those items allowed. Go back to the shopkeepers inventory You will see the multiple scrolls you selected by the small number in the upper left hand corner of the item. However, the price will reflect only the cost of one of those items. you Can buy as many of the items as the shopkeeper has to offer for the price of just one. Pics: ----- When you have typed in Debug Mode=1 into Baulder.ini under program options, press [CTRL+L] to show a picture and [CTRL+I] to change the picture, the pic comes under your cursor. Unlimited Gold: --------------- First you must beat the mage in the forest, then in your pocket plane, get all the characters and then kill them. But you may want to keep Viconia because she's really good. Then you must go to sarudush and kill Melissan. Then defeat saradush and go inside Lazaris Libraris's house and talk to him. Then kill him with a flail of ages. Then type D-E-B-U-G O-N. A Cheat list will definitely appear. You then check off Unlimited gold and then defeat one of your characters, but remember this cheat is exeedingly difficult to pull off. Unlimited liquor: ----------------- If you like going to the taverns and buying drinks to find information for your journal, you can remove your intoxication by saving and reloading your game, even after the bartender refuses to give you any more drinks. Bronze Pantaloons: ------------------ Go to Abzigal's lair. There will be Sentinels in one room. You will find a wizard in there. Near the wizard are three statues. Use the Stone To Flesh scroll on them, then get them to do the quest. Cast scroll spell with any character class: ------------------------------------------- Enter the inventory screen and press the Right Mouse Button when over any potion. Select the "Drink Potion" option and immediately pick up the potion with your pointer when you hear the drinking sound, but before the number indicating the number of that particular potion on the inventory screen decreases. If done correctly, you will be able to move the potion to an empty inventory square. Once the potion is placed there, select any scroll and place in the square that the potion was originally located in. Return to the game, and your character will cast the spell from that scroll. Secret armor and weapon: ------------------------ If you obtained the Gold Pantaloons in the original Baldur's Gate, the Silver Pantaloons in Baldur's Gate 2, and the Bronze Pantettes in Throne Of Bhaal, you can combine them into a new type of extremely hard armor, along with a very powerful weapon. Secret Items: ------------- Finally, Bioware has revealed what those pantaloons are for: Need: 1.Bronze pantaloons: From BG1, and if you have it, it is transered into BG2. It's behind a painting in the room where the key to Jaheira's cell is located. 2.Silver pantaloons: Quest from Tirdir; after you unbury him, he gives you a piece of red cloth. In the Bridge district, there is a guy with red near one of the buildings towards the south. Talking to him makes him run, and a door unlocks (to the left). Inside, there is a noblewoman. DO NOT release here yet. Instead, take the ransom note to the Copper Coronet at night and trade for the Silver Pantaloons. 3.Bronze Pantalettes: In the lair of Abazigal. Talk to the mage that appears, and pass the job onto the 3 would-be adventurers. They return a few days later. The Secret: Give Kerrick (NW Saradush) the 3 items, and he will give you the Big Metal Unit (AC -10), and a weapon launcher w/ ammo. It makes you look like an iron golem.