Avvy - Denarius Avaricius Sextus Cheat Codes: ------------ 1. The Rope The rope is yours after talking TWICE to Romulus the Centurion in the bar, Canis. You will need it to explore the cavern. 2. Treasuer's Key To get the key, Lupus is needed. But you must first visit your arch-enemy, Lupus, who throws you to the lions. The lions will kill you unless you have a weapon. A trident would be nice. 3. A Weapon Visit the temple to the right of the bar. Neptune has a trident that would make an excellent weapon against lions. If you complete a man's rhyme, (rhyming word is locker) he will give you a hint to help you enter the temple. This man is to the right of the temple. 4. Crystal Ball The sooth-sayer has an important message for you. Save your game. Talk to sooth-sayer. Give the crystal ball to the sooth-sayer (make sure you spell the action right or the ball will simply be lost.) Talk again and the sooth-sayer will say something different this time- something you need to know. If the sooth-sayer says the same old thing, restore your old game, and try again. Even if you get the "too bad" message, talk to the sooth-sayer again and see if he tells you about escaping. 5. The password Look in the locker at the baths. There's a scroll in there that has a password you need.