Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Infinite money trick: --------------------- Reach Sequence 2: Memory 3 and proceed until you reach the area where the three templars are standing around a table. The "Pickpocket All Templars" optional objective will appear while standing next to them. Pickpocket all three templars, then pause the game and choose the "Reload Last Checkpoint" option. The money you pickpocket from the templars will be saved, and you can pickpocket them again. Repeat this process as many times as desired to get an infinite amount of money-- about 35,000 R every seven minutes. Note: this glitch was done on an unpatched version of the game. All Mayan Stela locations: -------------------------- Search the indicated locations to find all 16 Mayan Stela puzzles. The first puzzle is part of DNA Sequence 4: Memory 1 (it cannot be missed). After completing this memory, the other Mayan Stela puzzles will become available. Some of them are on islands in dangerous ocean zones; thus, it is recommended to upgrade your ship and continue through the story to make all locations accessible. You can also view the Mayan Stela locations on your map if you synchronize the viewpoints of their respective area. To check which ones you have found, open the progress tracker, and select the "Mayan Stela" tab. It provides an overview of islands that contain the secret puzzles. Once all 16 puzzles have been solved, travel to Tulum. There will be a marker on your map saying "Mayan Outfit". Go to that location in Tulum (70, 405 coordinates), and open the secret door to get the "Vault Raider" achievement, along with the special Mayan outfit. The following are the exact coordinates of each Mayan Stela puzzle: 01. Great Inagua: Acquired during DNA Sequence 4: Memory 1 02. Cat Island: 734, 694 coordinates. 03. Matanzas: 343, 642 coordinates. 04. Cape Bonavista: 179, 593 coordinates. 05. Tulum: 70, 405 coordinates. 06. Pinos Isle: 334, 476 coordinates. 07. Pinos Isle: 342, 478 coordinates. 08. Tortuga: 876, 377 coordinates. 09. Long Bay: 525, 253 coordinates. 10. Isla Providencia: 502, 44 coordinates. 11. Isla Providencia: 502, 44 coordinates. 12. New Bone: 431, 116 coordinates. 13. Misteriosa: 303, 199 coordinates. 14. Misteriosa: 296, 196 coordinates. 15. Santanillas: 217, 245 coordinates. 16. Santanillas: 221, 242 coordinates. All tavern locations: --------------------- Search the indicated locations at the listed coordinates on the world map to find all eight taverns and get the "Barfly" achievement. Simply walk up to the barkeeper at each tavern, watch a short cutscene, and defeat the bandits to unlock the tavern. You can see the taverns on the world map if you synchronize the viewpoints for the respective area. 1. Andreas Island (573, 720 coordinates). 2. Salt Key Bank (496, 629 coordinates). 3. Crooked Island (808, 545 coordinates). 4. Arroyos (192, 565 coordinates). 5. Corozal (37, 266 coordinates). 6. Grand Cayman (392, 325 coordinates). 7. Kingston (623, 172 coordinates). 8. Ile à Vache (839, 137 coordinates). Easy Boarding: -------------- If you are going up against big ships (like frigates), position your ship near your target and then swim to the ship to take the crew out in close quarters combat. When you've done that, swim back to the Jackdaw and then hit each ship with one broadside. You immediately win the boarding sequence that follows, without having to go into heavy fighting. The IT Crowd: ------------- If you go to the map near the entrance to the modern-day Abstergo offices, you can overhear two co-workers talking about Chicago. If you wait a minute or two, they will begin talking about John from IT. The male worker comments that whenever he requests help, John replies smugly with "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" That appears to be a reference to the popular British comedy, "The IT Crowd." Shipwreck Locations: -------------------- The following underwater shipwrecks are found at the corresponding locations after Sequence 6-1 is completed: Shipwreck Location ----------------------------------------------------- Shipwreck #1 - San Ignacio (coordinates 378, 769). Shipwreck #2 - Petite Caverne (coordinates 901, 264). Shipwreck #3 - Jiguey (coordinates 564, 539). Shipwreck #4 - Atocha (coordinates 632, 661). Shipwreck #5 - Black Trench (coordinates 221, 449). Shipwreck #6 - San Juan (coordinates 480, 486). Shipwreck #7 - Devil's Eyes Cave (coordinates 487, 356). Shipwreck #8 - Anotto Bay (coordinates 622, 276). Shipwreck #9 - Ambergris Key (coordinates 55, 177). Shipwreck #10 - The Blue Hole (coordinates 470, 170). Shipwreck #11 - Kabah Ruins (coordinates 768, 144). Shipwreck #12 - La Concepcion Shipwreck (coordinates 180, 296). Shipwreck #13 - Antocha (coordinates 629, 661). Elite ship upgrade locations: ----------------------------- Search the following locations to find the plans for the corresponding ship upgrade. Ship Location ----------------------------------------------------------------- Elite Round Shot - Kabah Ruins (coordinates 769, 145) Elite Hull - San Ignacio (coordinates 379, 770) Elite Swivel Guns - Devil's Eye Cave (coordinates 488, 353) Elite Harpoon - Andreas Island (coordinates 579, 720) Elite Broadside Cannons - The Blue Hole (coordinates 471, 170) Elite Heavy Shot - Petite Cavern (coordinates 901, 263) Elite Fire Barrels - San Juan (coordinates 479, 487) Elite Fire Barrel Storage - Isla Providencia (coordinates 502, 44) Elite Ram - La Concepcion Shipwreck (coordinates 181, 296) Jackdaw Charge Attack: ---------------------- Once you defeat all Legendary ships, you'll gain the ability to charge a ship with your ram. Charging a ship greatly increases the damage that is inflicted when you make contact. Giant squid attack Easter Egg: ------------------------------ Swim inside the Antocha shipwreck at the 630, 660 coordinates. While looking out one of the windows, you should be able to see a giant squid take down a whale. Revealing all collectible locations: ------------------------------------ To reveal the location of all collectibles (Animus Fragments, Chests, Secrets, and Song Sheets) in the game, synchronize all the viewpoints. Note: To get the West Indies Sea collectibles, you must conquer all Naval Forts. ALL+Bonus costumes: ------------------- Submitted by: MMaziD07 Email: MMazid07@gmail.com Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding costume: Classic Assassin and Uplay costumes: ------------------------------------ Altair's Robes : Have a saved game file from Assassin's Creed, and an internet connection to retrive the costume. Connor Kenway's outfit : Have a saved game file from Assassin's Creed 3, and an internet connection to retrive the costume. Edward The Legend outfit: Purchase for 20 Uplay points. Ezio Auditore's Robes : Have a saved game file from Assassin's Creed 2, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, or Assassin's Creed: Revelations, and an internet connection to retrive the costume. Unlockable costumes: ------------------- Explorer outfit: Successfully complete Community Challenge #6. Community challenges will randomly appear while online. Governor's outfit: Find and share a social chest. Social chests will randomly appear while online. Mayan outfit: Find and solve all 16 Mayan Stela puzzles to unlock the secret door in Tulum (70, 405 coordinates). Open the secret door to get the Mayan outfit. It deflects all bullet attacks. Officer's outfit: Successfully complete the "Great Reputation 1" trading mission to Gibraltar with Kenway's Fleet (Mediterranean Sea mission). Stealth outfit: Successfully complete 50% of the Assassin Contract side quests. It decreases visibility and improves stealth. Templar Armor: Successfully complete all Templar Hunt side quests, then open the cage in the Great Inagua hideout using the five Templar keys. It provides 25% damage reduction. Crafted costumes: ----------------- Feline Pelt outfit : Craft it using a Jaguar Pelt and Ocelot Pelt. Hunter outfit : Craft it using a Red Howler Monkey Skin and White Jaguar Pelt. It reduces animal aggression. Shark Hunter outfit: Craft it using a Bull Shark Skin and Hammerhead Shark Bone. Whaler outfit : Craft it using three White Whale Skins. General Store costumes: ----------------------- Brown Cloak : Purchase for 1,500 R. Crimson Cloak outfit : Purchase for 3,000 R. Merchant outfit : Purchase for 10,000 R. Pirate Captain outfit: Purchase for 8,000 R. Pirate Cloak : Purchase for 6,000 R. Politician's outfit : Purchase for 12,000 R. Privateer outfit : Purchase for 5,000 R. Revealing all collectible locations & all needable locations: ------------------------------------------------------------- Submitted by: MMaziD07 Email: MMazid07@gmail.com To reveal the location of all collectibles (Animus Fragments, Chests, Secrets, and Song Sheets) in the game, synchronize all the viewpoints. Note: To get the West Indies Sea collectibles, you must conquer all Naval Forts. All elite ship upgrade plan locations: -------------------------------------- Search the indicated locations at the listed coordinates on the world map to find all nine hidden elite ship upgrade plans in special chests and get the "Destroyer" achievement: 1. Elite Round Shot: Kabah Ruins - 769, 145 coordinates 2. Elite Hull: San Ignacio - 379, 770 coordinates 3. Elite Swivel Guns: Devil's Eye Cave - 488, 353 coordinates 4. Elite Harpoon: Andreas Island - 579, 720 coordinates 5. Elite Broadside Cannons: The Blue Hole - 471, 170 coordinates 6. Elite Heavy Shot: Petite Cavern - 901, 263 coordinates 7. Elite Fire Barrels: San Juan - 479, 487 coordinates 8. Elite Fire Barrel Storage: Isla Providencia - 502, 44 coordinates 9. Elite Ram: La Concepcion Shipwreck - 181, 296 coordinates All tavern locations: --------------------- Search the indicated locations at the listed coordinates on the world map to find all eight taverns and get the "Barfly" achievement. Simply walk up to the barkeeper at each tavern, watch a short cutscene, and defeat the bandits to unlock the tavern. You can see the taverns on the world map if you synchronize the viewpoints for the respective area. 1. Andreas Island (573, 720 coordinates) 2. Salt Key Bank (496, 629 coordinates) 3. Crooked Island (808, 545 coordinates) 4. Arroyos (192, 565 coordinates) 5. Corozal (37, 266 coordinates) 6. Grand Cayman (392, 325 coordinates) 7. Kingston (623, 172 coordinates) 8. Ile Vache (839, 137 coordinates) All Underwater Shipwreck locations: ----------------------------------- Search the indicated locations at the listed coordinates on the world map to find all 13 hidden shipwrecks and get the "Seven Deadly Seas" achievement. Note: Shipwrecks become available after completing Sequence 6: Memory 1. 1. San Ignacio: 378, 769 coordinates 2. Petite Caverne: 901, 264 coordinates 3. Jiguey: 564, 539 coordinates 4. Atocha: 632, 661 coordinates 5. Black Trench: 221, 449 coordinates 6. San Juan: 480, 486 coordinates 7. Devil's Eyes Cave: 487, 356 coordinates 8. Anotto Bay: 622, 276 coordinates 9. Ambergris Key: 55, 177 coordinates 10. The Blue Hole: 470, 170 coordinates 11. Kabah Ruins: 768, 144 coordinates 12. La Concepcion Shipwreck: 180, 296 coordinates 13. Antocha: 629, 661 coordinates... . ALL Achievements & Easter eggs: ------------------------------- Submitted by: MMaziD07 Email: MMazid07@gmail.com Achievements:Accomplish the indicated achievement to get the corresponding number of Gamerscore points: Heroes Aren't Born (10 points) : Complete memory sequence 1. Good While It Lasted (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 2. A Pirate's Life For Me (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 3. No Apologies (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 4. Death Of A Salesman (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 5. Mixing Up The Medicines (20 points): Complete memory sequence 6. The Hammer Falls (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 7. Adrift (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 8. A New Hope (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 9. My Elusive Fortune (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 10. Been Down So Long... (20 points) : Complete memory sequence 11. Just Like Starting Over (20 points): Complete memory sequence 12. Saw That One Coming... (50 points) : Complete memory sequence 13. By The Book (50 points) : Complete 100% of all main mission constraints. Silence, Fool! (5 points) : Kill a guard ringing a bell. Owned (10 points) : Complete every activity in a single location. Vault Raider (30 points) : Unlock the secret door in Tulum. Killer Killer (10 points) : Harpoon a killer whale. Help A Brother Out (20 points) : Complete a Templar Hunt sequence. Sea Legs (30 points) : Complete all naval contracts. King Of The Castle (30 points) : Capture all forts. Employee Of The Month (30 points) : Complete 25 Abstergo challenges. Business And Pleasure (20 points) : Earn 50,000 reales. Mer-man (10 points) : Swim a total of 1 nmi. Redingote Up! (10 points) : Craft the Hunter outfit. Thug Life (30 points) : Plunder 30 ships. Devil Of The Caribbean (40 points) : Defeat all 4 legendary ships. Destroyer (40 points) : Fully upgrade the Jackdaw. Seven Deadly Seas (10 points) : Explore all underwater shipwrecks. Barfly (30 points) : Unlock all taverns. Cannon Fodder (5 points) : Recruit 500 crew members. FTFY (10 points) : Fully upgrade your hideout. Cartographer (20 points) : Visit every location of the game. Ghost In The Machine (10 points) : Hack 15 computers in Abstergo Entertainment. Roped In (10 points) : Perform 5 air assassinations from a swinging rope. Sharing Is Caring (10 points) : Share each type of discovery with friends once. All Aboard! (30 points) : Board a ship without losing any crew members. Siren Song (20 points) : Rescue pirate hostages by distracting enemies with "dancers." Wild West Indies (20 points) : Kill 4 enemies in a row using multi-pistols. Excavator (10 points) : Find a buried treasure. Committed To The Cause (20 points) : Reach level 55 in Multiplayer. Personal Bag Of Tricks (10 points) : Finish a game session with an ability set that you customized in Multiplayer. Master Of The Caribbean (20 points): Complete the Discovery Mode of Wolfpack in Multiplayer. Lab Technician (10 points) : Play and complete a game session of Game Lab in the Multiplayer Public playlist. All Rounder (20 points) : Play on every game mode, and use every ability and ranged weapon once in Multiplayer. Additionally, there are five secret achievements: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Routine Hacking (20 points) - Complete present day mission 2. Getting Weird Around Here (20 points) - Complete present day mission 3. Bunker Buddies (20 points) - Complete present day mission 4. It's All Good (20 points) - Complete present day mission 5. Hungover (10 points) - Wake up in a haystack. Giant squid attack Easter Egg:Swim inside the Antocha shipwreck at the 630, 660 coordinates. While looking out one of the windows, you should be able to see a giant squid take down a whale. 4 more E-mail me... Jackdaw charge attack: ---------------------- Defeat every Legendary ships to unlock the ability to charge a ship with your ram. Charging a ship significantly increases the damage that is inflicted when you make contact. Abstergo Challenge Cheats: -------------------------- If you finish enough Abstergo challenges - as below - you will unlock the named cheats. They can be found in the Cheats option in the Abstergo Challenges menu. Note: You cannot save the game while these are in use. Cheats How to unlock ------------------------------------------------------------ Armed to the Teeth - Complete 90 Abstergo Challenges. Arrr Matey! - Complete 20 Abstergo Challenges. Celestial Navigation - Complete 10 Abstergo Challenges. Dead Men Tell No Tales - Complete 70 Abstergo Challenges. Deceased Crew - Complete all 100 Abstergo Challenges. Loaded to the Gunwhale - Complete 50 Abstergo Challenges. No Quarter - Complete 30 Abstergo Challenges. Poseidon's Will - Complete 60 Abstergo Challenges. Scourge of the Seven Seas - Complete 40 Abstergo Challenges. Shiver Me Timbers - Complete 80 Abstergo Challenges. Easy 100,000 Money: ------------------ The first requirement is to complete the mission "Mister Walpole, I presume?" which is Sequence 2 Memory 3 of the main story. Once completed and outside of a mission, open your pause menu (Esc key for PC users), choose Progress Tracker, select Sequence 2, Memory 3, and start a replay of that same mission. Play the mission normally until you reach the point (after an obvious cut-scene) that displays an optional objective to pickpocket the three Templars. Once at that point, pickpocket the three Templars for an average of 750 - 850 Reales. Once pick-pocketed, immediately pause the game and choose Reload. Reload from last checkpoint. The game will allow you to keep the Reales you earned and pickpocket the Templars again. Repeat the above steps until you have 100,000 or more Reales. This can be done in a few minutes time, and 100,000 can easily cover about 20% of the total game's purchases. Note: The game developers prevent you from farming any more than 100,000 Reales on your person using this tactic, so to maximize profit, don't begin farming until you've spent all your previous money to get as much as you can out of it. Easy money: ----------- Note: This trick requires a decent amount of hull armor and 10 or more mortar rounds for the Jackdaw ship. Travel to the legendary ship battle in the northeast corner of the map, with the two legendary ships that attack you. You will not be able to defeat both ships without your ship fully upgraded, but you will be able to defeat one if you complete the following steps. When the battle starts, shoot two mortar rounds at the ship you are focusing on while turning around, then release your fire barrels. When they get close, use your heavy shot. Do not get between the two opposing ships or you will quickly be defeated. Once they pass, keep shooting mortars at the ship you are trying to defeat while they are turning around. Repeat the previous steps until you destroy the ship you are focused on. Quickly pick up the loot from the destroyed legendary ship, or else the other ship will ram and sink you quickly. You will get 10,000 Reales and be able to keep it after you die. Repeat this process as many times as desired. Note: This trick requires the cannon and/or shot upgrades; or upgrades to your chain shot and ram abilities. Also, the Brothers-In-Arms must not have been sunk yet. Start a battle with a group of ships, then sink one of them and ignore the other ships. Collect your loot, then intentionally fail. After respawning, the ship you sunk will also be back with its loot, and you will still have your previously collected loot. Repeat this process as many times as desired to earn 10,000 Reales each time. Cheats: ------- Complete the indicated number of Abstergo Challenges to unlock the corresponding cheat under the "Cheats" option at the "Abstergo Challenges" menu. Enabling a cheat will prevent achievements or trophies from becoming unlocked and will not allow the game to be saved. Armed to the Teeth : 90 challenges; allows unlimited ammunition. Arrr Matey! : 20 challenges; allows pirate speak for Edward. Celestial Navigation : 10 challenges; allows time to be set and locked. Dead Men Tell No Tales : 70 challenges; allows invincibility for Edward and the Jackdaw. Loaded to the Gunwhale : 50 challenges; allows Edward to be always drunk. No Quarter: 30 challenges ; stops Edward and the Jackdaw from regaining health. Scourge of the Seven Seas : 40 challenges; allows always maximum wanted level. Shiver Me Timbers : 80 challenges; changes enemies into strange creatures. Easy money: ----------- This trick requires the cannon and/or shot upgrades; or upgrades to your chain shot and ram abilities. Also, Brothers-in-Arms must not have been sunk yet. Start a battle with the group of ships, sinking one of them and ignoring the others. Collect your loot then intentionally fail. After respawning, the other ship will also be back with its loot. You will still have your previous reward. Repeat the process as many times as desired, earning 10,000 Reales each time. Cutscene from film: ------------------- Submitted by: Priyanshu Kumar Email: priyanshukr19@gmail.com When u start the game,it writes "press any key".Don't press any key for sometime and u will see a cutscene from the film Assassin's Creed IV - Black Flag. Blume Easter Egg (Watch_Dogs): ------------------------------ When you can hack into the Animus machines, head for the second floor of the building. One offers a page called "Security System Presentation." In that presentation, you learn about how a company called Blume will be working closely with Abstergo in the future, and there are references to ctOS security and even a picture of The Bunker. At the end of the presentation, you will hear that "The future is in Blume." This is all an Easter egg for Watch_Dogs, another Ubisoft action game that was in development around the same time. Easy Boarding: -------------- If you are going up against big ships (like frigates), position your ship near your target and then swim to the ship to take the crew out in close quarters combat. When you've done that, swim back to the Jackdaw and then hit each ship with one broadside. You immediately win the boarding sequence that follows, without having to go into heavy fighting. Uplay rewards: -------------- Spend the indicated amount of points in your Uplay account to earn the corresponding reward. 500 Reales : 10 points. Edward the Legend outfit : 20 points. The Blades of Toledo and exclusive multiplayer items : 30 points. The Vengeful Daughter Outfit for multiplayer, customize the Jackdaw with epic items : 40 points. Easy money: ----------- Use the following trick to make 10,000R in about twenty five minutes by Hunting Crocodiles. While on the Island of Nassau (Sequence 02), you will have your first opportunity to hunt Crocodiles. You can find this easily on the map in the water/lagoon/marsh area, notated with a Crocodile symbol. It is easiest to find this after exposing a few lookout points. The crocodile lagoon is located south west of the ship dock. Just to the right (east) on the map from the water the crocodiles lurk, you will find a red enemy zone with a lookout/regeneration point where you can Fast Travel to and regenerate the crocodiles you killed. This allows you to run back and do it again. Do this twenty five times to earn an easy 10,000R. To reach the area where it is easy to snipe the two crocodiles safely from the trees, leap out from the lookout point described above, directly across towards the crocodile area, and use the trees to go over the water and onto the island area. Stay on the trees, jumping across them and stay to the left until you reach the top of a tree on the edge of the water. From here, look down and snipe the two crocs, then jump down to skin them and quickly Fast Travel back to the lookout. Each run from the lookout point to the two easy to catch crocodiles takes less than a minute before Fast Traveling back to the lookout point, regenerating the two crocodiles you killed to hunt and skin again. Do this twenty four more times to get fifty Crocodile Leathers to sell for 10,000 total.