

Cheat Codes:
Create file "NOUGAT.LF" under your Ascendancy directoy. 
You don't need to put anything in it. During gameplay type
these letters or combinations to use cheats:

Planet      Screen
I         - Complete project
O         - Maximum population
R         - Bring colony under your control
Shift + M - Adds 1 to maximum population
T         - Create colony on a unhabited planet
N         - Advance current project one day

Research Screen:
E        - Finish current research
D        - Gain all research
C	   - Finish current project
F        - Click view controls to forget all research 
1 - 7    - Play as various species	Star map
8        - View starlanes, planets	Star map
[Alt] +E - Toggle technology stealing
L        - View all starlanes
S        - View all stars

Any Screen:

[Alt] + D - Display coordinates		
[Alt] + W - Display debug window
[Alt] + F - Display mouse movement stats
[Alt] + G - Save screen in .GIF format

Use a text editor to create a dummy file named "flash.pop" in the game 
folder. Begin game play and select the "Continuos Advance" icon. 

Xeno Dig credit:
Land on a planet that has at least ten outposts. Immediately build a Lush 
Growth Bomb. After it is built, delete ten outposts. You will receive credit 
for a Xeno Dig on the next turn. 

Orbital Shield decoy:
When a planet with a missile base is being attacked, immediately start 
construction of an Orbital Shield. The enemy should destroy the 
under-construction shield. Before counter-attacking, go the planet screen 
and start building another Orbital Shield.

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