Arsenal – Sniper Squad

Arsenal - Sniper Squad

Submitted by: David K.

1 - Kill everyone.
2 - Shoot the guy on the almsot centre on left hand side with the yellow tie.
3 - Kill everyone.
4 - Wait till u see 2 guys walk across the bottom of ur screen just after the
    middle the guy will walk out into veiw from behind the second guy.
5 - Kill everyone.
6 - Shoot both of the wheels on the right then shoot him, he walks slowly so
    he should be easy to kill.
7 - Kill everyone.
8 - Shoot the electric box and everyone will come out, DO NOT SHOOT THE WHITE
    TIES, wait for the guy with the yellow tie to come out, he will start 
    walking 2 the right, finish him.
9 - This is harder, the virus makes an extra 10% of your bullets miss and 
    switches the screen round, theres no upgrades, this is it, survive or die.
10- You have infinite chances at this so dont worry if you miss when the arrows
    come up press this combination: right, up, left, down you must press left 
    very quickly or it will not work gratz u beat the game.

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