Armored Fist 2 Cheat Codes: ------------ These cheats will not function in Multiplayer games. All steps to enable Cheats must be performed after a mission has begun. OVERVIEW: --------- To enable press and hold "Ctrl" and "F12" key simultaneously, repeat step to disable...(Overview shows big map of battlefield) RELOAD: ------- To enable press and hold "Alt" key, "Shift" key then "R" key simultaneously...(Reload loads maximum amount of ammunition) REPAIR: ------- To enable press and hold "Alt" key, "Shift" key, then press "D" key simultaneously...(Repair lets you repair all damage) INDESTRUCTIBLE: --------------- To enable press and hold "Alt" key, "Shift" key, then press "I" key simultaneously... (Indestructible makes your tank indestructible, each tank must be enabled separately) All Weapons, Unlimited Fuel and Health: --------------------------------------- During the game, push [Backspace] and type "KYLE".