Aquanox Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: Allan E-mail: Submitted by: nightraider Start the game with the parameters "-redrum -stendek", so your command line is "aqua.exe -redrum -stendek" In the game itself (when your actually driving) use the following keys for the described cheats: Code Result ------------------------ F7 - God Mode Toggle On/Off F8 - Invisible Toggle On/Off F10 - Mission Complete AUTO F11 - Mission Complete MANUAL F12 - Mission Failed Unlimited credits: ------------------ Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "player_start.des" file in the "/aquanox/dat/sav" folder. Enter "999999" as the number of credits in that file. Hint: ----- Submitted by: KKICKS AFTER YOU ARE READY TO ENTER CHEATS IN MISSON WHILE DRIVING PRESS LOCK TARGET KEY LOCK THE TARGET AND PRESS F9. THE TARGET WILL GET DESTROYED! Ship selection: --------------- Use a text editor to edit the "player_start.des" file in the "/aquanox/dat/sav" folder. Locate the "Ship = 1" entry and change the number to one of the following values for the corresponding ship. 2: Drowsy Maggie 3: Avenger 4: Tiburon 5: Skipjack 6: Vortex 7: Succubus 2 8: Voodoo Breath 9: Phobo Caster Start with any weapon and equipments: ------------------------------------- Look for file player_start.des in aquanox/dat/sav Look for line in the file as follows: [InventoryItemPlayer] Now just add between the brackets (without quotes) ''key0=6'' and a line below that, add ''count0=1'' to add 1 Plasma Gatling to your inventory. Basically key and a number (from 0-99) refers to inventory slot to start with, the number after the equal sign denotes certain items (6 for plasma gatling, 12 for scalar howlitzer) If you notice in the same file under the line [InventoryItemEquipped] { key0=1 count0=1 key1=13 count1=2 key2=23 count2=2 key3=24 count3=1 } Its basically telling the game to give you (equipped on your ship) 1 vendetta 1, 2 stanley, 2 buzzers, and 1 small block. So if you play around with the setting, you can get your ship to start with scalar howlitzer, big bang 2, fusion block, and a bunch of buzzers. Here is a list of what the numbers represent (in my best guess) Remember, [InventoryItemPlayer] is to put it in your inventory, and [InventoryItemEquipped] is to put it on your ship! and match the keyx to countx where x is the number of slot (0-99) or else game will crash when you start a new game! Code Effect -------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 - Buzzer 24-27 - Generators, 24 being small block, 27 being fusion block 32 and on - not sure, I think it would be silators and boosters. 1-12 - primary weapons (1 being vendetta 1, 12 being scalar howlitzer) 28-31 - repair kits, 28 being small repair kit, 31 being nano repair kit 2 13-22 - torpedoes (1 being stanley, 22 being big bang 2)