America's Army - Proving Grounds Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Steam achievements: ------------------- Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding achievement. To view your achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then "My profile", then "View all my games", then the game and view stats. Achievement Description --------------------------------------------------------- 1A Whiskey - Neutralize an enemy at 1% health. Adios, My Friend - Headshot an enemy who has been spotted. Army Strong - Win a round without being neutralized. Battle Buddy - Perform three revives in a round. Be All You Can Be - Win 250 matches. Black Belt - Take down 250 enemies. BTDT - Perform a neutralize and a revive within a victorious round. Chairborne Ranger - Your team won despite you. CLS - Revive a teammate for the first time. Complete Forfeit - Lost every round of the match. Day Zero - Complete your first objective. Dead Eye - Earn two spot assists within a single round. First Responder - Revive a teammate within five seconds of them being neutralized. First Victory - Win your first match. Fobbit - Caught MIA (AFK) one too many times. Good Comms - Spot an enemy. Got Your Six - Neutralize a teammate's neutralizer and revive that teammate. Ground Pounder - Take down your first prone enemy. HANO - Neutralized from falling damage. Hawkeye - Neutralize five enemies within a single round. House - Revive 250 teammates. Larsen Grad - Take down five enemies within a single round. Martial Artist - Take down two enemies within a single round. Mr. Zipcuff - Secure 500 enemies. Never Accept Defeat - Neutralize an enemy who recently neutralized you. Non-Lethal Enforcer - Take down your first enemy. On Point - Win a round via objective in under a minute. P.I.G. - Perform three headshots in a round. Red Belt - Take down 50 enemies. Relentless - Neutralize three enemies in a row within a Veteran mode round. Rub Some Dirt On It - Bandage a significant injury. Saint - Revive a teammate while under heavy suppression. Seasoned Warrior - Win 25 matches. Veteran Hawkeye - Neutralize five or more enemies within a Veteran mode round. Zipped Up - Secure your first enemy.