Alone In The Dark - The New Nightmare Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Start the game with the "wizardmaster" command line parameter to unlock a cheat option in the inventory screen. Missing one armed man: ---------------------- In the beginning. go to the left. After awhile, you will see a building. Enter it, and a man with one arm missing will be sitting inside. Talk to him and get the key from him. Go back out and keep going. After you start walking a short distance, you will hear gunshots. Turn around and go back in the building. The man will be missing. Unlimited saves: ---------------- When leaving the manor's lobby as Carnby, a FMV sequence will play when you meet Edenshaw. In the sequence, he will give you a charm of saving. Immediately save the game when the FMV sequence completes. Keep saving the game repeatedly to get four save uses each time. Skip events: ------------ Repeatedly press "Action" to skip past events during game play.