Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors Expansion Cheat Codes: ------------ Submitted by: David K. Press ENTER and type the following codes. Code Effect ---------------------------------------------- cheese steak jimmy's - 1000 food robin hood - 1000 gold rock on - 1000 Stone lumberjack - 1000 Wood woof woof - Birds Become Super Dogs how do you turn this on - Cobra Car natural wonders - Control Animals black death - Defeat Everyone wimpywimpywimpy - Destroy Yourself aegis - Fast Build furious the monkey boy - Furious the Monkey Knight templar - Gives you a hundred knights resign - Instant Loss i r winner - Instant Win polo - removes the fog of war marco - reveals the full map to smithereens - Saboteur Unit i love the monkey head - VDML Most Powerful Defence in the game: ---------------------------------- Submitted by: prakash Email: meshram_prakash123@yahoo.com If u like to play defensive with some villagers to repair and castles u can do it. Develop 2 or more castles of Mongol civilization and garrison elite mangudai inside castles for 20 units each castle. After doing it,you can see the gr8 results. Even with other civilisations you can put archers inside castles to improve ur defence,it also heals ur units wich are inside castle. How to get food fast...: ------------------------ Submitted b y: Elzabad Adjei When you are playing campaigns with water bodies; 1.Build about 2 or more docks in the water. 2.Create 6 fishing ships for each dock. 3.Select each fishing ship and build a fish trap around the dock. (Don't send your fishing ships to fetch for fish)... Enjoy your game but make sure to rebuild the fish traps when they are exhausted.