Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors Cheat Codes: ------------ Update by: Sushav Dixit Submitted by: zohiad asad razer_fireball@yahoo.com Hit ENTER during the game, and enter the following: Result Code ------------------------------------------------ 1000 food - cheese steak jimmy's 1000 gold - robin hood 1000 stone - rock on 1000 wood - lumberjack Cobra car - how do you turn this on Control nature - natural wonders Destroy all opponents - black death Fast building - aegis Flying dogs - woof woof Full map - marco Instant loss - resign Instant victory - i r winner Kill Opponent 1 - torpedo1 Kill Opponent 2 - torpedo2 Kill Opponent 3 - torpedo3 Kill Opponent 4 - torpedo4 Kill Opponent 5 - torpedo5 Kill Opponent 6 - torpedo6 Kill Opponent 7 - torpedo7 Kill Opponent 8 - torpedo8 Little monkey - furious the monkey boy No fog of war - polo Saboteur unit - to smithereens Suicide - wimpywimpywimpy Tall, fast moving, useless villager - i love the monkey head aegis - your buildings will be constructed Defeating your enemies with Arbalest: ------------------------------------- Submitted by: d.shankarnarayana E-mail:shankar_annauniv@yahoo.com You can easily defeat any infantry from i.e.(Elite Teutonic Knight to Militia) using your Arbalests. To accomplish this you must build an archery camp research the archer to crossbowman and then to arbalest. These Arbalests when fully researched e.g. (Carthaginian Tactics) are extremely powerful in range attack and somewhat weak in combat. Just create 15 arbalests, Double-Click any one to select all of them and just Right-Click to attack any enemy infantry or cavalry. When our men they will come nearer to attack the enemy infantry attack the arbalests. Since the arbalests are more in number the enemy infantry will die on their way when trying to reach our men. The arbalests have very long range so that they can easily kill the infantry and siege units. If they (enemies) follow this technique it will be a problem to you so please be quicker. If more doubts persists, Mail me. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Mahesh On the mill you will find an icon saying "reseed farm". Now select the mill then press F3(game is paused)then see if you have enough wood then start clicking on the icon.after sometime stop clicking.then press F3 again.you will have lots of reseeds in the list.this will help you concentrate on the game than giving your villagers farms again and again. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Gaurav Jhaveri You should always study the tech tree and see the specialites of your civilization and always scout the enemy base and study their base.If you lose a game then you should think how did my enemy win, how did I lose? Think over it and don't make the same mistake next time. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Gaurav Jhaveri You should always build walls and towers to protect yourself and always place walls from one forest to another, never build walls from one mine to forest or mine to mine or forage bush to mine otherwise when you have collected all the resources in the mine that part of the wall will become open and the enemy will enter as soon as the wall has become open. Wonder Hint: ------------ Submitted by: Gokulavasan, Chennai E-mail: gokulavasan@rediffmail.com If you want to see all the wonders of the civilizations, go to create a scenario and you can place the wonder. Again change your civilization, and place the wonder and you will see theirs. Otherwise, select the 'Defend the Wonder' option under Standard Game and you can change the civilization and see their respective wonder! Here are the 4 best civilizations is this order: ------------------------------------------------ Submitted by: Chris E-mail: JO2707@aol.com Mongols Celts Persians Britons TO WIN BATTLES: --------------- Never charge at your enemy, just get in their line of site. If it is archers, use knights/elephants and charge. Cheat: ------ Email: Mehran1365@hotmail.com Submitted by: Mehran Samad Nejad Hit ENTER during the game, and enter the following: Cheat Result ------------------ woof woof - you will see stormy dog on the air, that fly every where Hint: ----- Submitted by: Masood Yoonesian Email: myoonesian@noavar.com Enter cheat mode and type in VDML. It gives you a very fast villager that you can kill next to a building or enemy unit and it will explode and destroy it. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Jeremy Griffin wangobango@msn.com Enter cheat mode and type in VDML. It gives you a very fast villager that you can kill next to a building or enemy unit and it will explode and destroy it. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Oscar Syahbana the Kindhearted sanif_webmaster@yahoo.com Bigger doesn't always better...they said. If you wanted to win a war (in multiplayer game) you should plan your tactical and political skills. You could 'use' your ally as your defensif structure and then after you almost defeat your enemy, change your diplomatic stances to your ally as enemy after your troops get in their town center and the attack and demolish your ally and then you could be the single leader. Hints: ------ Submitted by: rickHH Take time to study the new civilizations and their technologies through the tech tree in the game. You can garrison units inside siege rams, which helps protect them against missile weapons. This is very handy when you're trying to storm enemy walls. Definitely use the farm queue; it'll cut down on your micromanagement of farmers. Just be careful; 75 pieces of wood get used every time you queue a farm. This is more of a proggramming thingy: -------------------------------------- http://www.expage.com/hackingbymarc Submitted by: h@ck3r -go into the msdos-type C: -press enter-type dirp *or* dir/p -push enter -look for the dir of aoe2 game file -type it in -push enter -now type in the following: /(edit)(.exe)aoecon)/runtime/error/bypss-prot/longrunedit/(exe.) file/gheus/con//:(*>allunit Hint: ----- Submitted by: Mahesh IN ur mill there is a reseed farm button normally u can have a list of only 15 farms. Now here is the best part.When u click on the mill press F3 button of ur keyboard.The game is paused. Now press "F" button on ur keyboard to enlist farms. Keep on pressing to ur hearts content, if u had kept on pressing fer someime u will find that u hv no list. The point is that u set up such a big list of farms that the computer is unable to show it. IMPORTANT-u better hv lots of wood. Hint: ----- Submitted by: gaurav paul While creating units or reseeding farms we have to click a lot of times.So while creating units or reseeding farms press shift and then click to creat an unit or reseeding farms.It will create or reseed 5 units or farms. Hint: ----- Submitted by:Murukesh Mohanan Now,to easily destroy all enemy buildings,create a large number of patards (saboteur unit),group them and sneak them into enemy's base.take them to important buildings but make sure you don't go to near military units. Guide them and attack the building.8-10 patards can destroy a castle,town center &other strong buildings. Create many,Destroy all!Good luck! Hint: ----- Submitted by: Aaron At the start of a game to get a goos start just build as many villagers as u can and get them to build a mill and work on the forrage bush once that is all done put some villagers on Farms and Woodcutting now u should have a head start of the other civalisations. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Wizard23 In hardest mode if some player(computer) makes neutral with you then afterwards he asks for resourses from you failing which he attacks you. well you can avoid being enemy with him by saying 'no' (no 2 in chat menu) to him just after he asks you for resourses. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Syed Anwar CCC SWAT always attack the enemy base and break their gate while you are fighting send some villagers and build your on gate there you shuold complete it for your entrance purpose and they will not attack it and after completing all gates around them which should be your they will be locked so do not destroy the walls but only gates and all the enemy when locked like this all the resources outside are yours and they will become weak by having no resources. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Syed Anwar CCC SWAT If you want to take control of many resources in age of empires 2 and the map always try to attack the enemy base first by destroying their gates first the n you should retreat although they will attack but when they are cooled send some villagers and try to build a gate from where you broke theirs one.If there are enemies towers or others things dont worry take as 10 villagers and 1% construction will also be able to block them but you should try to complete it for your entrance purposes.This formula is only applied to the small gates for the bigger gates you should complete it 100% for enemystoppage Then after succeding in locking them clear their outter buildings and soldiers and when they are locked the rest of the map will be yours and they will become weak by having no more resources. For other hints consult Syed_anwar58@yahoo.com Hint: ----- Submitted by: sekyere joseph if you want to gain more resouces you need to create more vilagers. Hint: ----- Submitted by: utkarsh jaiswal The Spanish are one of the best civilisations. Take the spanish, concentrate on gathering wood and gold, build up ur navy (especially Elite Cannon Galleons) and then try to destroy ur enemy. town centre upgrade Hint: ------------------------- Submitted by: Subhash If You have a villager 1st build a town centre upgrade till the imperial age and well consolidate it and if your completely on land,then send a full fledged army(cavalry,infantry,archers,siege weapons,petards,2 villager and three monks) and after clearing a considerably large patch of land near or in the enemy boundary quickly build 2 castles,town centre,stable,barracks, archery range,consolidate it with towers and strong cavalry attack the enemy for sure victory if water is also present send 1st a village to build and then attack from there. Defeat any infantry Hint: ------------------------- Submitted by: N.Monish Reddy You can easily defeat any infantry from i.e.(archers to wood raiders) using your Arbalests. To accomplish this you must build an archery range. Then research the archer to crossbowman and then to arbalest.Then reasearchall archery reasearchs in blacksmith and archery range.These Arbalests, when fully researched are extremely powerful in range attack and somewhat weak in combat. Just create 20 arbalests, Double-Click any one to select all of them and just Right-Click to attack any enemy infantry or cavalry.It will take time to kill battering,capped and siege rams;cavarly.When they will come nearer to attack the enemy infantry attack the arbalests. Since the arbalests are more in number the enemy infantry will die on their way when trying to reach our men. The arbalests have very long range so that they can easily kill the infantry and siege units. If they (enemies) follow this technique it will be a problem to you so you haveto be quicker. If more doubts persists, Mail me. Tip:you will atlaest 36 to destroy a castle.this doesn't work on longbowmen (english unique unit). Hint: ----- Submitted by: Tuiyub hussain If you are playing regicide first attack their castle and emedatly when the king want to flee just kill and him you will win. Cheats: ------- Submitted by: Mubashar Habib Hit ENTER during the game, and enter the following: CODE RESULT I deserve this 50000 Gold,Wood,Food & Rock. Cheat: Hit ENTER during the game, and enter DX GENERATION .It gives you result into no limmit of population.In this way,you can increase your population on your own even in Compagin modes of he game. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Fazil Khan Fine well when your in the game,when your playing age of empires 2 the conqures campaign's, Attila The Hun. Bleda will tell you that see if you can flush the Iron Boar out, but if you do like that his archers will attack you.so you just go near the boar and attack it once or twice then automatically Bleda will come to attack the boar. As soon as he comes to attack the boar,you run away from the sight. Then after Bleda is killed by the boar all the archers who was in Bleda's side will come to your side and all the other tarkans will also come to your side. Happy Gaming! Hint: ----- Submitted by: khemankar don't click on lock teams so that you can convert army of your ally by turning him enemy & after converting turn the diplomacy ally. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Fazil Khan Hai again friends.good to see you again in the "Cheatbook".well you know one thing i got a great idea to defend your wonder.first you see a comfortable site for your wonder,ya.then you start building the wonder.for this you use the cheat or do it by hand,got it.after that just build lots of walls and gates and improve them[the walls should be quite far away from the wonder].now build lots of bombard towers near the wonder or place lots and lots of cobra cars.[warning put your cobra cars in no attack stance or else the will itself destroy your wonder when they are attacking the enemy].Happy Gaming! Play Age Of Empires 2: Age Of Kings campaigns: ---------------------------------------------- Start the game, click "Single Player", then click "Age of Kings campaigns". All the original campaigns can be played. Faster Teutonic Knights: ------------------------ Get a ram capped ram or seige and fill it with Teutonic Knights. You will now have a faster ram and faster knights. Easy win: --------- For easy victory over the CPU under any difficulty setting, place eight to twelve villagers into three control groups. Then, have two control groups working on gold and one working on stone until all of the stone piles and gold piles are gone. Next, build at least two of every building and upgrade everything as fast as possible. If done quick enough you should be able to either swarm your enemy or surround him with castles. Gates: ------ Go to the map editor. Name any team "Gates". When you test the scenario, all of your gates will be damaged if you walk through them. Saxon Revolt Hint: ------------------ Submitted by: James Eckert If you didn't know, on your Conquerors CD is a specially made Scenario called "The Saxon Revolt". To enable its use you have to go into the CD (on My Computer) and open its files. I think it's in the Goodies folder. There are instructions on how to set it up included with it. Siege Onagers Hint: ------------------- Submitted by: James Eckert If you didn't already know, you can destroy trees with Siege Onagers (available only to the Teutons, Celts, Mongols, Aztecs, Saracens and Koreans) or Trebuchets. Siege Onagers are far more effective than Trebuchets. You can use this to enter enemy towns and surprise them without breaking down their walls. If you want to be really nasty, you can destroy all the forests near their towns so they have to go outside to get wood, and you can kill the villgers. You need to know this in some campaigns. Hint: ----- Submitted by: James Eckert I you don't have a lot of resources but want to win thoroughly, make a large number of archers (specialized archers, like Longbowmen and Hand cannoneers are best), a few monks, and some ranged siege weapons (either Mangonels, bombard cannons or trebuchets) and give them a common number. then put them in Line formation on either defensive stance or stand ground. The monks will heal your archers as they are hurt and the archers and siege weapons will destroy the enemies and their town. The longer ranged your guys are, the better. Just watch out for enemy mangonels, as they will kill your guys like flies. Hint: ----- Submitted by: jacob Ok when ur going to attack a town bring 1 (or more) villager along with you so then you can build castles, stables etc in the town that your attacking so then instead of getting more troops from your base and sending them back over you can just create troops in the base and the enemy wont have time to rebuild anything (gates,buildings etc) while your troops get there,,,,,and u should use the cheat aegis when performing this. Elite Teutonic Knight Hint: --------------------------- Submitted by: MorganDW Age of Empires 2: The Conquerors Expansion The Turks have a 8+5 bombard tower range. This is good for placing out of range of enemy castles and towers and destroying them without harm. Always have villagers travel with your army. That way when an enemy tower or castle goes down you can build (if you have a lot of resources) the same building you destroyed. This is a good defense mechanism; then if they go to attack you, they will run into your towers. The best unit is an Elite Teutonic Knight, you only need fifteen of them to take out an enemy castle. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: Gaurav Roy Hi friends, You can destroy a castle using Your Longbowmens. For this first go to Impiral age research yeomen and the attack a castle with lots of Longbowmens.Since they have range 12 and castle can have maximum range 11 so it won't be able to attack. But don't forget to guard your longbowmen using Knights. Easy win: --------- For an easier win against NPC characters, make a map using the map editor. Give yourself 99,999 of every recourse and your opponent about 20,000. Go to the options and disable the siege workshop and the trebuchet, then edit all the other options as desired and start the game. It will be a much easier game even under the hardest difficulty setting because the risk of long ranged attacks and siege weapons that quickly destroy your buildings has been removed. See line of sight of all players: --------------------------------- Type polo to see the the line of sight of players. Also works good with marco cheat. The Monkey & Flying Dog: ------------------------ In The Conquerors all the cheats from Age of Kings can be used plus two more cheats. To use both cheats first press Enter in-game and a chat box will open. Type 'woof woof' to turn all birds into dogs and 'furious the monkey boy' to get the monkey unit. Quick Soldiers No Aegis: ------------------------ Ok as you may know there is a cheat (aegis) that makes everything produce straight away, but there is a problem, once you use aegis the enemies also creat everything quickly so here is a tip to creat quick soldiers and research things in no time: it's easier if you have alot of resources to begin with, what you do is at the beginning of the game you get villagers to build 4 barracks (when you advance ages do the same with archery range and stable), once you have the 4 barracks click the creat militia button 5 times on each barracks so in stead of making 5 units because you ahve 4 baracks you have 4 times as many units so in the time a normal player (enemie) made 5 soldiers you made 20! do the same for the blacksmith creat 5 so you can research all at the same time. If you do this you will have about 50 soldiers in 5-10 minuits and you can attack the enemy who has a very small army! do the same with the archery range and stable. Coastal Maps: ------------- if your on a coastal map ALWAYS! have a dock with a passenger ships with 5 villagers a scout cavalry 5 foot troops 3 of the unique class and at least 2 archers. when needed if you get beat bad. set sail to an empty area and rebuild. it will give you a second chance but then you gotta move fast. if you dont youll lose hose guys too. Free extra resources: --------------------- On the first map of the Attila the Hun campaign, move Attila away from where you get him. Wait until one of the Tarkans say "Bleda wastes our time. Let us follow Attila." Send Attila up to Bleda, set Bleda's Huns to neutral/enemy, and start killing Bleda. Once you get the Tarkans, send them up to help Attila. Once Bleda is dead, go back to the camp and kill any other Tarkan that do not convert. Once you get the resources from Bleda's Huns, go over the northwestern bridge as one of the Tarkans suggests. Once you get those villagers, GAIA gives you some resources. Return into the Hunnic camp to have Bleda's Huns give you more resources. Cheat: ------ Submitted by: victor Press enter at game play then write, (king of the hill), and you will get 200 units of horse. Hint: ----- Submitted by: The hitman There is a easy strategy for winning a game.Firstly, type "aegis" in chat box.this will create the units,reserches and buildings instantly.now try to take one of your villager to the main town center of enemy.confirm that there is no ram or trebuchets near by.now,gently your castle just adjacent to the towncenter of enemy.now create a army and attack on enemy's towncenter.also,create some unique units to aid them.as the enemy's towncenter destroys their economy will be perished ans you can destroy your enemy easily.it can also be done with enemy castle.IT WORKS! NOTE:you should have ample resources for the building of castle and other units. Hint: ----- Submitted by: Roger Press enter then type how do you turn this thing on don't press enter yet right click your mouse anywhere on the title screen then hit "select all" there should be a button called copy press that and then press entter then press enter again then right click your mouse then click paste without typing anything and then it will say how do you turn thos on then press enter and kepp doing this and you'll have a army of cobras with machine guns on them. Note. This does take command points so make buildings and make sure you have a town hall without it you can't do this. Hint: ----- Submitted by: tamilmagan If you are going to attack the enemy's kingdom don't take your troops and attack,first group your troops with some villagers and stay some distance from your enemy.Built fort(recruit trebuchets, if you are Britions recruit longbowman),stable(recruit Paladin),siege workshop (recruit heavy scorpion) and attack your enemy with your troops.It will be more powerful and you have non-stop supplying of your troops. Ultimate Army: -------------- To make your army most effective against the enemy, first find out what type of unit is their special unit. Your army should be comprised of many units that have strengths against that unit type (If their special unit is a mounted one, then your army should be filled the highest level spearman you can create, etc.). In the same way, your army should be filled with units which have strengths against the other unit your enemy likes to attack you with most often. The rest of your army can be filled with whatever you like. How to play: ------------ Submitted by: Fahim How to make buildings: ---------------------- Start the game as usual.click the villagers and then click on buildings.there you can see all types of buildings How to make military buildings: ------------------------------- To make millitaries click on the millitari buildings.you can make archaries from archary range. armies you can make from a barrack and calvaries from a stable. you can also make armies from castle How to make a villager: ----------------------- To make a villager you have to go to the town center and click on a villager. How to get to different ages: ----------------------------- To go to different ages first you have to gather enough food.then you click in the town center and click on the ages How to gather recources: ------------------------ to gather recources you have to click in a villager and then right click in a work. For example you want to gather woods.You have to click on a villager and then right click to a tree a tree has woods. How to win: ----------- Different game in age of empires2 has different types of ways to win.but generally you need to construct a wonder or capture all relics or destroying all enemies. Weird Villiger: --------------- Press Enter (Return) in a game and type in I love the monkey head . You should see a tall villiger that moves very fast and cannot build anything. He is good for exploring. USE OF AEGIS: ------------- Submitted by: Mad hatter When you type 'Aegis' your enemies also receive the cheat. So, you have to type the cheat before building structures or upgrading or creating soldiers. Have fun making a fool of your opponents !! Cheat: ------ Submitted by: aahan This is a good cheat for age of empires. u just need to type this - " i want the lions" and you will get 250 golden lions with 8 attack 0+2/3 defence. Destroy civilization: --------------------- While in a game click on the tribute menu down the list will be the players names.at the top will be player 1 and below 2 and after 3,4,5 and so on. In chat box type in torpedo with no space enter the player number you want to destroy for example 2. So type in torpedo2 to destroy player 2.